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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

4 Ways to Target Drug Use

If you know one person that is abusing drugs or alcohol, you can talk to that person and try to help them see why they are making a bad decision for their life. What do you do, however, when the scope of the problem is affecting your entire community? Many towns across the United States are dealing

Pros and Cons in Views of Marijuana Use

There are strong feelings about the use of marijuana with advocates and arguments on both sides.There are both benefits and downsides to smoking pot, and it is important to review the negative as well as the positive before making any decisions which may affect your health adversely.

Alcohol Detox Symptoms - From Bad to Very, Very Bad

There is little doubt that both substance and alcohol addition are taking a huge toll on the health and productivity of millions of people all over the world.But in America especially, the number of certified alcoholics of both sexes keeps climbing, as more and more people find themselves wanting to

Bonus Effects of Using Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking

One of the biggest reasons people put off quitting smoking is fear. Would be quitters have heard the horror stories of the headaches, nausea, and sometimes, moodiness or weight gain that has been associated with quitting. Not one of the other quit smoking methods address these underlying issues. But

Total Social Cost Of Tobacco

The social cost of tobacco use is bound to make everyone stop and think for a minute. This includes 70 percent of smokers whom research says think about quitting time and again.

Tip to Help Quit Smoking

People have been lighting up and getting addicted to cigarettes for hundreds of years. Only recently have those people seached for tips to help quit smoking, a concept previously unheard of.

Busting Myths About Smokeless Tobacco Snuff Bottles

Snuff is widely used and one of the most popular smoke-free tobacco items. Even a few centuries ago - before cigars and cigarettes became a more aristocratic mode of addiction - snus and snuff were ...

Stop Smoking Aide

My husband probably wanted to throw me out of the window when I tried to quit on my own. I was beyond a witch! Worse, I felt like I truly wanted to beat something to a pulp if I could not get a cigarette! I had even contemplated picking half of a cigarette up off the street in order to get my "

CLUES of Saint Paul MN

Mental health and substance abuse services offered by CLUES of Saint Paul MN

Top Tips For Controlling Your Urge to Smoke

Quitting smoking is a very time consuming process. It can take several years, or you maybe one of the lucky ones and it could be something much shorter like only a few weeks or months. ...

Help For The Hopelessly Addicted To Heroin

Needles are the friends of heroin addicts. What is quite commonly seen as a source of abject fear for a significant segment of the population is actually more of a welcome sight to those who have grown particularly dependent upon this drug.