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Gardening : Home & Garden
When to Plant Garlic in Minnesota?
Garlic (Allium sativum) has been cultivated across the world for centuries. It is adaptable and can be grown successfully in many climates, including in northern states like Minnesota.
Useful Tips for Starting Plants from Seeds
If you're looking to expand your gardening skills, check these very useful tips for starting plants from seeds. It's a skill every gardener needs to possess!
List of Annual Medicinal Herbs
Beautiful calendula is just one of several annual herbs with medicinal properties.calendula image by Igor Zhorov from Fotolia.comAlthough medicinal herb gardeners often limit themselves to perennial herbs, a handful of annual herbs also possess healing properties. If you'd like to devote...
Starting a Garden
We frequently hear 'size matters' but in gardening, very often small is very beautiful and therefore with careful planning and clever design, it is possible to transform even the smallest space or plot into an attractive feature rich garden oasis. Even if your plans are to build a garden o
How to Grow Date Palm Trees
Date Palm Trees, scientific name Phoenix dactylifera, is one of the most recognizable palm trees in the world mostly because of its majestic appearance and tasty fruits. It is also called Medjool palm. This large beautiful palm is one of the oldest trees in the world being in cultivation for over 50
Starting an Organic Garden - 5 Common Reasons Why You Must
Organic Gardening is to plant and grow your crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and any other chemical synthetic products, ensuring it is 100 percent natural.This article will focus on the 5 Common reasons why you must go organic. In other words, start an organic gard
How to Winterize a Guava Tree
Guava trees come in several varieties -- lemon and purple strawberry are just a couple of examples -- that produce delicious fruit that can be eaten right off the tree. Guava fruit is used to make jams and jellies, along with juice. Although guavas are hardy trees, they prefer sunlight and cold snap
Insider Tips To Maintain Snow Blowers
Life in an area that gets quite a bit of snowfall makes owning a snow blower almost a necessity. And it sure beats the alternative of being out in the cold shoveling snow for hours ...
Homemade Aerated Concrete
The weight and density of a concrete mix depends on the intended project or structure use. However, most concrete is aerated for durability and reliability and to give it a porous quality. The ingredients used in mixing concrete can affect the level of aeration.
How to Fight Fungus Gnats and Protect your Hydroponic Garden
In the gardening world, hydroponics is simply planting without using soil. In this kind of system, the plants are placed in water using mineral nutrient solutions and this is directly provided to the roots. More ...
Landscaping Halifax: a solution to attain an aesthetically appealing yard
Landscaping in Halifax has developed into a kind of art form over the years. It not only makes your yard or lawn look beautiful but also creates an environment where every aspect co-relates to each ot
Field Guide to the Trees of Southern Africa
Southern Africa is home to nearly 1,700 types of trees, many of which grow nowhere but in this region. From the massive Baobab to the "sausage tree," every Southern African tree species can be seen and identified once you are familiar with their striking, individual traits.
Instructions for Pop-up Sprinkler Heads
Many homeowners rely on sprinkler systems with pop-up heads to irrigate their lawns during the dry summer months. The sprinkler heads spray the water around the lawn, usually in a manner the homeowner determines. If your pop-up sprinkler heads aren't working properly or aren't covering the entire a
Eco Indoor Gardening - A Fun and Healthy Pastime
Indoor gardening is becoming a popular activity worldwide. Indoor plants not only detoxify the air, but also provide a charming and decorative addition to any home or apartment.
Chainsaw Chain Sharpener: Complete Your Set of Chainsaw
Keep an electric sharpener on your work bench and take a round file in pocket for touch up in the garden or woods. But it is an electric sharpener that can file a cutting chain ...
Why Do Organic Fertilizers Make Plants Grow Fast?
The most commonly contended reasons for plants responding well to organic fertilizers are nitrogen content and production, according to biologist Barry Commoner, formerly the director of the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems at Queens College in New York. Naturally produced nitrogen, for var
How to Shape a Guava Tree
Guavas grow in tropical regions on trees with standard trunks and spreading canopies. The oval-shaped guava fruits develop a sweet flesh inside the greenish-yellow skins of the mature fruits. To make harvesting easier and keep the trees healthy, prune and shape a guava tree regularly. With basic mai
Advantages And Cleaning Associated With Artificial Plants
Those days are gone where you used to get cheap plastic and cloth materials used in artificial plants and trees. There are a variety of products available that will fulfill all your decorating needs. In this article we will we will be discussing different types of artificial plants along with their
Orchid Care - Learn How To Care For Your Orchids
Orchids are one of the most beautiful flowers you can find anywhere on this planet. Indeed, they obviously need some special attention (like most flowers do) but with some general guidelines you will keep your orchid plant as healthy as it can be. In this article, you will find some helpful tricks o