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Body building : Health & Medical

The Best and Worst Ways to Build Muscle Fast

If you are looking to build muscle fast, then this article is for you. There are many misleading tips out there aimed at draining your wallet of money. Learn the best ways to build muscle fast and get the ripped physique you've always wanted here...

Is Your Calf Training Routine Effective?

If you've been training your calves for a while or have done some calf training in the past, this question has probably crossed your mind. If it hasn't, then I'd like to give you a little "food for thought". To help you analyze if your calf training is effective and producti

Make Your Chest Scream With Resistance Bands

Are you looking to build strong chest? You can accomplish it with resistance bands and a few punishing pec routines that will make you feel good and sore by the next day. This is a good thing because that's how massive muscle is made. Shaping your body is a process of breaking down and rebuildi

Tips On Becoming A Fitness Model

Becoming a future fitness model. This is the dream that many young men and women live because of how good it sounds to being a fitness model Its quite close to becoming a fashion model in terms of how hard it is to become one. Read more...

Creatine Facts

Given the popularity of Creatine supplements and the sometimes-limited information available on them, certain misconceptions have been generated with regard to these supplements. Unfortunately, these misconceptions have sometimes given people the wrong idea about Creatine, which have led to some unr

Increasing Muscle Mass Easily

Come learn how you can easily being increasing your muscle mass. Shape and make your body the way you want it to be!

How to Build Muscle Fast - 3 Proven Muscle Building Supplements

How many times have you seen a movie that features a scrawny boy who want to catch the attention of a particular girl?What does he do?He looks for ways to build muscle fast.Being stick thin and with the body of a pre adolescent kid does nothing to boost his confidence but then, hey presto in a matte

Monster Squat

If you want to be truly strong, you need powerful legs and hips and a lower back that can take some punishment. If you're after more muscle mass on your entire frame, nothing beats the benefits of heavy leg training. For most people the good old-fashioned squat is king when it comes to packing

Entenda Mais Sobre Suplementos Alimentares E Emagrecedores

Suplementos Alimentares e Emagrecedores é o assunto da semana. Da mesma forma, falaremos a respeito de suplementos alimentares, produtos naturais, emagrecedores, fitoterápicos. Esportistas, ginastas, lutadores, jogadores e Mulheres e Homens que querem emagrecer ou aumentar o peso sempr

Tips For Muscle Building

As people age, they begin to complain more of pains in their muscles and joints. They seem to stiffen up with age, and such commonplace activities as bending over for the morning paper can make them wince.

Boost Your Testosterone Levels With Tongkat Ali to Build Muscle Mass

When we live a sedate lifestyle and rarely exercise - which describes almost all of us in the western world; this has the effect on our body of reducing our testosterone levels. On the other hand, when we are very busy and active doing lots of exercise, this raises our testosterone levels. This is t

How to Add Pounds of Muscle Faster Than You Thought Possible

If you are tired of being skinny then I am glad you are here today reading this article. In this article, you are going to learn all the mistakes I made when I tried to put weight on my skinny body. If you are anything like me you work out really hard but the muscle doesn't come. Once I figured

Myths and Fallacies on Abdominal Muscles

There are so many articles out there which describe the body building process as a long and complicated process which resulted in various tricks and gimmicks. Now, I am going to skip all the different myths and fallacies in the bodybuilding world to tell you how to build those ripped abs.

Should Women Lift Weights?

Good God, yes. Well...if they want to. A woman is not - I repeat, not - going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger from going to the gym, doing her routine, and lifting some good, old-fashioned heavy weights.

How to Get Ripped in Just Days!

Winter is officially over and as spring time nears you know that in a blink of an eye summer will be here and that means hitting the beach with friends and family. It's no wonder that tons of guys are search for information on how to get ripped for summer.