How To Generate Mlm Leads & Cash Without Sponsoring One Person

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It sounds truly great, but not many people actually believe it can be done. There is a way that you can generate tons of leads and actually make money doing it without sponsoring any of them.

The fact is that most people go about network marketing all backwards. They try to just sponsor a person out of the blue and this is all wrong. Most people won't buy from someone until they trust that person.

In addition, sometimes the timing is just not right for certain people. That is why monetizing your efforts is so important. What I'm about to reveal to you will do that.

This valuable piece of information is called a funded proposal. The idea is very simple but vastly overlooked by many network marketers.

How it works is simply offering a bribe to the potential prospect then backending a product like an e-book or an interview you can sell.

Before I go into that, the first thing you must know is how to set up a capture page. A capture page is basically a single page website with some info and a place where your prospect can "opt-in." Opting in is just signing in their name and email so you can contact them later (lead).

The capture page is what you advertise out to people so if they land on it they have to either give out their information or leave.

So what do you advertise on the capture page? Well you must offer them the bribe, which is something free for giving you their information.

This must be a generic training offer or a free five day course. Maybe on something like "The 5 Biggest Mistakes a Network Marketer Can Make." You would give this five day course out for free on a span of five days.

Now on the backend is where you make you profit as you have already received a lead from the opt-in page. The beauty of this is that you have generated a trust with the prospect through your five day free mini-course.

So what is the backend product? The backend product is something for lets say $19.95. This e-book or interview could just be a bigger version of your five day course. Maybe titled "How I Finally Found Success in Network Marketing."

It needs to be generic with no company names mentioned, however resources are alright. So what happens is the prospect is enjoying the five day course and just craves more information. Naturally at the end of each email you may say a little blurb about your book. However don't just advertise it, make it very subtle.

So that is how you set up a funded proposal. First you make a product and then put together a free course which basically sells the product. This is something called "sellacation." You educate your prospect as you are actually selling them something. If someone learns something they didn't know then you ultimately are of high value to them.

Then after they buy a little product (your $19.99 e-book), they will be much more open to looking at your opportunity. You will get people asking you, "So what program are you in?" When that happens it's true gold because humans are much more open to buy things from someone they have already bought from.

Also, even if the person doesn't buy your e-book you can keep sending them useful information in the form of a newsletter. Keep building their trust and I guarantee they will eventually sign up with you. This especially holds true today because people are just running around saying, "Pick Me" instead of actually building a relationship.
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