How to Clean Tile After Grout Installation
- 1). Mix up a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts water. Apply with a sponge. The vinegar solution will help to remove any film or residue left on the tile after grouting. Rinse the tile with warm water and towel dry.
- 2). Use a plastic scrubby to remove leftover grout on tile. Dip the nylon scrubber in a small bucket of clean, warm water and rub the wet plastic scrubby over the tile. The scrubbing action will loosen the grout from the tile which can be rinsed off with warm water. Towel dry.
- 3). Remove stubborn grout residue on tile with a sugar solution. Dissolve ¼ cup granulated sugar in a quart of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the tile with the sugar solution and allow it to sit overnight. In the morning, use clear water and a sponge to remove the sugar solution. Rinse the tile with warm water and towel dry.
- 4). Try a nylon pad. Wet the nylon pad with water. Rub it on the tile in a circular motion. Continue the process of wetting the pad and rubbing it on the grout until the grout is removed from the tile. Rinse the tile with warm water and towel dry.
- 5). Chip away dried on grout with a grout removal tool. Grout removal tools are often sold in kits that include a grout removal guide and bit. The tool can be used to remove excess grout between tiles and to scrape off dried grout that has overlapped tiles.