Abandoned Rabbit Finds a Happier Place
Reader Question: Can Lexxi (rabbit) tell us anything about her life before she came here? ~April
Kim's Response: Dear April, Lexxi says "I was in a box. Outside. It would get wet and cold and then theyíd get me a new box. It was down in some place that I couldn't get out of to play in the yard (like maybe a window well). I didn't like it at all. They took me to a big yard one day and let me go. Then someone came and picked me up and took me in.
I was glad, I was very scared."
Lexxi is happy that she is now living with you and not with the people who abandoned her.
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Disclaimer: Kim Meyer shares insights derived from animal communication. Any advice she offers is not meant as a substitute for veterinary care or basic dog obedience training.