Scientific basis of super mantra gayatri
Almighty God possesses infinite energies. Some of these are conducive for us and others work against us. God has created lions, tigers etc and cows and horses too. In this world no doubt lions and tigers are useful but for mankind they are dangerous. Amongst hundreds of species of birds/animals the cow reigns supreme from the utility value standpoint. God has created trees, herbs too but many of them are poisonous, thorny etc that prove to be dire for us. Fruits, grains, flowers, herbs etc no doubt are useful for world humans and with due caution they are grown and used.
Amongst innumerable invisible divine powers of God many are such that are not useful for us. Such forces include earthquakes, lightning, explosions, wars, epidemics, famine, flooding, fire, infernos, destruction etc and although they appear to be useful to the world in general yet for man these are sources of harassment and strife. For human beings only those divine energies are useful which augment their joy and peace. The sun too is an infinite vault of various forces. After analyzing its rays, scientists have unearthed ‘death rays' that can kill all of humanity. Further they have discovered other forces like ultraviolet rays, alpha violet, X rays, infrared rays etc which helps patients attacked with deadly diseases get a new lease of life.
Whatever one sees in this world is not necessarily meant for our well being. We need to find materials that benefit us, we need to identify them and with due effort by attaining it in greater measure, we can use it and only then are we capable of getting bliss from innumerable beneficial materials owned by Almighty God. In order to attain cow, horses, grains, fruits, herbs, cotton, mineral ores, metals, precious jewels etc man by putting in hard labor has got the right to own joyous comforts. Ere man had ignored all this or had got entangled in dangerous things he would have reaped only losses, sorrow, ill fate, strife and destruction.
This world is partitioned into a gross and subtle form. Gross materials are those which are visible to our eyes. Subtle are those which although invisible to our eyes yet they definitely exist. Heat, cold, wind, ether, electricity, atoms, germs, radio waves despite being invisible to our eyes yet exist something similar to the visible. When death occurs the soul leaves the body yet in its invisible form it continues to exist.
God possesses many invisible energy streams which have been witnessed and understood by scientific teachers of Yoga and Spiritual Science via their subtle divine vision. And on the basis the basis of characteristics they have been named. They are also called demigods. God's Wealth Energy is called Lakshmi, Intellectual Energy is called Saraswati, War Fighting Energy is called Durga, Creative Energy is called Brahma, Nourishing Energy is called Vishnu, Destructive Energy is called Shiva, Mental and Bodily Energy is called Hanuman, Success Energy is called Ganesh and Governing Energy is called Indra. We must contact and build a bond with whatever that is beneficial and worth imbibing for us. Further by rendering these energy centers are rendered closer for our benefit and the method of doing so is called worship of God.
Just amongst animals the cow, Ganga amongst rivers and Tulsi leaves amongst herbs is especially beneficial to us so too amongst hidden divine powers of God Super Energy Gayatri is most useful for the human species. Gayatri is that wisdom based invisible consciousness which predominates with sacredness, peace and bliss. Gayatri is called Tripada or 3 legged. ‘Hrim' means wisdom, intellect, discrimination, love, self control and pious behavior. ‘Shrim' means wealth, grandeur, status, position, sense enjoyment and glory. ‘Klim' means health, strength, daring, enterprise, effort and aura. Thus Gayatri is a 3 fold divine energy possessing these 3 special characteristics. Since all these 3 principles are very useful and most required by mankind, hence Rishis proclaimed Gayatri worship/meditation to be such a needed daily chore which is comparable to our ceaseless breathing, eating food, drinking water, passing stools and urine and going to sleep daily. Via these functions the body gets protection and grows aptly. Similarly due to Gayatri Meditation soul power is protected and undergoes augmenting too.
If our body is well nourished, full of strength, alert, healthy and powerful then in return for this bodily might many benefits can accrue. Bodily strength gives us benefits like trampling vile enemies, earning lots of wealth via hard work, traveling to far off places, getting protection from diseases, living a long life, attaining beauty and handsomeness, enjoying a lot of sense pleasures, living independently devoid of outside help etc. How important are these benefits? This can be gauged by one who is faced by ill health and who daily as a result gets attacked by bodily pain, worry, losses, failure, ill fated despair and sorrow. Soul force is even more potent than bodily strength and the former's benefits are unlimited. All joys-sorrows in human life encompass those that are mental (3/4th) and physical (1/4th). Joys pertaining to women, son, friend, strength, fame, status, position, leadership, grandeur etc are mental in nature. The body does not accrue any visible benefits from all these. In the same way sorrow pertaining to strife, separation, loss, fear, worry, desire, insult, defeat, failure etc too are mental in form. Despite the body being fit and healthy these diseases can remain in the mind. Since soul strength augments mental joys augment and sorrow decreases. As a result a person who augments soul power via Gayatri practices after easily getting liberated from sorrow heads fast towards joy and peace.
With the help of gross things other gross objects can be caught. Everyone knows that we can catch hold of a pen with our hands, wear shoes using our feet, picking fiery coal with tongs and buying materials with cash but yet very few people know how, via what can invisible powers/energies be ‘caught' and be made use of appropriately for our benefit. Well before scientific discoveries and inventions were made, powers like electricity, steam, gas, atom already existed yet previous to this people were unaware how to tap them and make apt use of it. Thus at that time no benefits accrued. It is not as though scientists have created new energies. In fact they have only discovered and invented ways of benefitting from them. The result is that because of these scientific discoveries and inventions the entire world gets benefits today. Since divine energies are subtler than steam, gas, electricity etc cannot be ‘caught' by technology/machines yet there are such methods via which they can be imbibed and benefitted from. Spiritual Sciences and Yoga methods are such scientific techniques which were discovered by our revered ancestors after researching into them for eras together with the help of terrific penance.
Great Rishis saw that subtle energies belong to that class which is the class of our soul. Hence the soul itself must be molded in a particular situation that is conducive for these divine energies. In this manner since between them a mutual bond of magnetic attraction gets created ‘catching' or imbibing is possible. For thousands of years innumerable Rishi-scientists in the field of Soul Sciences along with intense efforts and austerities continued researching regarding this and ultimately they tasted sweet success. They unearthed those methods on the basis of which our inner existence is molded with such capabilities and specialties that if we wish to create a bond with a particular divine energy one becomes at first compatible with it so that via our magnetism we can catch and imbibe it. Hard wax can never mix with oil but if this wax is melted using fire, it shall immediately mix with oil. In the same way divine subtle energies ordinarily are not attained by everybody yet if via spiritual practices/penance the inner psyche and soul are ‘melted' this divine energy can be imbibed. This methodology and technique in spiritual terminology is called Sadhana or spiritual practice.
On the basis of Super Science Yoga till now innumerable people have created the self capable of attaining desired energies of Almighty God. In ancient history and Puranas or mythology varied descriptions can be found which seems to say that via various demigods and methods of spiritual practice many people have attained many types of boons. This means that these people via spiritual penance rendered their inner consciousness so capable that they could latch on to desired godly energies and benefit from them. Gayatri practice is that scientific technique via which by imbibing and attracting the combined energies of God called Hrim, Shrim, Klim or wisdom, grandeur and strength can gather the same within and on its basis one can enjoy many psychic and material joys.
A superficial outlook may say that Gayatri spiritual practices appear like ordinary actions and it cannot be understood how one can benefit from them. But when super results of these are noted we perforce say that verily there is validity in these practices. The 24 alphabets of Super Mantra Gayatri have been interwoven in such a way that via its chanting, the nerves of our tongue, face, throat and palate start function in such a manner that small Yogic Chakras (subtle plexus) present in various parts of our body get activated. Just as for Kundalini Shakti awakening by activating the 6 Chakras divine energies are attained, similarly by merely chanting Gayatri Mantra these small glands on awakening showcase very great results.
Which type of hidden glands is present in which area of the body? Via chanting of which alphabets of Gayatri, which glands get activated? After these gland oriented Chakras awaken, which bodily and mental energies are attained? Of course all this cannot be described here but we can say that great Rishis of yore have very mysteriously interwoven these 24 alphabets of Gayatri Mantra. Via its focused chanting, such a subtle function commences in the body that very easily our inner psyche recesses imbibes so much magnetic force that easily God's Super Energy Gayatri can be imbibed in great measure.
Right since commencement of world creation till date, innumerable psychically powerful saints have executed Gayatri spiritual practices. Psychologists and psychiatrists know well that great soul powered saints possess so much will power for such a great length of time. This is because Gayatri Mantra due to its previously amassed spiritual wealth has become so much more potent. Thoughts never get destroyed because their clouds roam about in the sky. Whenever these thought clouds see intense thoughts of its own kind, there they burst forth and pour down like rain. It is thus that both good and vile thoughts gain momentum in an invisible manner. Thought clouds of previous great Gayatri devotees rain down on new Gayatri devotees and thus the latter taste success very speedily.
In various radio stations every moment various programs are broadcasted. But these programs are heard only if a radio is present there. Further within the radio only a certain program can heard on that radio station on which the needle is pointing to. Infinite energies of Almighty God by getting spread out from many centers are rendered cosmic and all pervasive yet only that person can imbibe it who via spiritual practices has converted his psyche into a ‘radio'. When we execute a particular spiritual practice in order to attain a particular divine energy it is akin to adjusting and tuning the radio needle to a particular station. Via this methodology we can attain required energies and spiritual grandeur from God's Super Energy Ocean and untold spiritual wealth. In Almighty God's imperishable divine vault there no dearth of just about anything. Man who is the immortal prince of God has all the right over every material of his father (God). The requirement only is that we prove our great credentials. Via our efforts, hard labor, penance and spiritual endeavor we must prove that we are rightful heirs of desired things. Thus there is no reason why we cannot get satisfactory joy and peace.
Gayatri practice based on concrete, scientific method of Spiritual Super Science is a very important technique. If with faith and trust it is tested, the results shall be full of hope.
Amongst innumerable invisible divine powers of God many are such that are not useful for us. Such forces include earthquakes, lightning, explosions, wars, epidemics, famine, flooding, fire, infernos, destruction etc and although they appear to be useful to the world in general yet for man these are sources of harassment and strife. For human beings only those divine energies are useful which augment their joy and peace. The sun too is an infinite vault of various forces. After analyzing its rays, scientists have unearthed ‘death rays' that can kill all of humanity. Further they have discovered other forces like ultraviolet rays, alpha violet, X rays, infrared rays etc which helps patients attacked with deadly diseases get a new lease of life.
Whatever one sees in this world is not necessarily meant for our well being. We need to find materials that benefit us, we need to identify them and with due effort by attaining it in greater measure, we can use it and only then are we capable of getting bliss from innumerable beneficial materials owned by Almighty God. In order to attain cow, horses, grains, fruits, herbs, cotton, mineral ores, metals, precious jewels etc man by putting in hard labor has got the right to own joyous comforts. Ere man had ignored all this or had got entangled in dangerous things he would have reaped only losses, sorrow, ill fate, strife and destruction.
This world is partitioned into a gross and subtle form. Gross materials are those which are visible to our eyes. Subtle are those which although invisible to our eyes yet they definitely exist. Heat, cold, wind, ether, electricity, atoms, germs, radio waves despite being invisible to our eyes yet exist something similar to the visible. When death occurs the soul leaves the body yet in its invisible form it continues to exist.
God possesses many invisible energy streams which have been witnessed and understood by scientific teachers of Yoga and Spiritual Science via their subtle divine vision. And on the basis the basis of characteristics they have been named. They are also called demigods. God's Wealth Energy is called Lakshmi, Intellectual Energy is called Saraswati, War Fighting Energy is called Durga, Creative Energy is called Brahma, Nourishing Energy is called Vishnu, Destructive Energy is called Shiva, Mental and Bodily Energy is called Hanuman, Success Energy is called Ganesh and Governing Energy is called Indra. We must contact and build a bond with whatever that is beneficial and worth imbibing for us. Further by rendering these energy centers are rendered closer for our benefit and the method of doing so is called worship of God.
Just amongst animals the cow, Ganga amongst rivers and Tulsi leaves amongst herbs is especially beneficial to us so too amongst hidden divine powers of God Super Energy Gayatri is most useful for the human species. Gayatri is that wisdom based invisible consciousness which predominates with sacredness, peace and bliss. Gayatri is called Tripada or 3 legged. ‘Hrim' means wisdom, intellect, discrimination, love, self control and pious behavior. ‘Shrim' means wealth, grandeur, status, position, sense enjoyment and glory. ‘Klim' means health, strength, daring, enterprise, effort and aura. Thus Gayatri is a 3 fold divine energy possessing these 3 special characteristics. Since all these 3 principles are very useful and most required by mankind, hence Rishis proclaimed Gayatri worship/meditation to be such a needed daily chore which is comparable to our ceaseless breathing, eating food, drinking water, passing stools and urine and going to sleep daily. Via these functions the body gets protection and grows aptly. Similarly due to Gayatri Meditation soul power is protected and undergoes augmenting too.
If our body is well nourished, full of strength, alert, healthy and powerful then in return for this bodily might many benefits can accrue. Bodily strength gives us benefits like trampling vile enemies, earning lots of wealth via hard work, traveling to far off places, getting protection from diseases, living a long life, attaining beauty and handsomeness, enjoying a lot of sense pleasures, living independently devoid of outside help etc. How important are these benefits? This can be gauged by one who is faced by ill health and who daily as a result gets attacked by bodily pain, worry, losses, failure, ill fated despair and sorrow. Soul force is even more potent than bodily strength and the former's benefits are unlimited. All joys-sorrows in human life encompass those that are mental (3/4th) and physical (1/4th). Joys pertaining to women, son, friend, strength, fame, status, position, leadership, grandeur etc are mental in nature. The body does not accrue any visible benefits from all these. In the same way sorrow pertaining to strife, separation, loss, fear, worry, desire, insult, defeat, failure etc too are mental in form. Despite the body being fit and healthy these diseases can remain in the mind. Since soul strength augments mental joys augment and sorrow decreases. As a result a person who augments soul power via Gayatri practices after easily getting liberated from sorrow heads fast towards joy and peace.
With the help of gross things other gross objects can be caught. Everyone knows that we can catch hold of a pen with our hands, wear shoes using our feet, picking fiery coal with tongs and buying materials with cash but yet very few people know how, via what can invisible powers/energies be ‘caught' and be made use of appropriately for our benefit. Well before scientific discoveries and inventions were made, powers like electricity, steam, gas, atom already existed yet previous to this people were unaware how to tap them and make apt use of it. Thus at that time no benefits accrued. It is not as though scientists have created new energies. In fact they have only discovered and invented ways of benefitting from them. The result is that because of these scientific discoveries and inventions the entire world gets benefits today. Since divine energies are subtler than steam, gas, electricity etc cannot be ‘caught' by technology/machines yet there are such methods via which they can be imbibed and benefitted from. Spiritual Sciences and Yoga methods are such scientific techniques which were discovered by our revered ancestors after researching into them for eras together with the help of terrific penance.
Great Rishis saw that subtle energies belong to that class which is the class of our soul. Hence the soul itself must be molded in a particular situation that is conducive for these divine energies. In this manner since between them a mutual bond of magnetic attraction gets created ‘catching' or imbibing is possible. For thousands of years innumerable Rishi-scientists in the field of Soul Sciences along with intense efforts and austerities continued researching regarding this and ultimately they tasted sweet success. They unearthed those methods on the basis of which our inner existence is molded with such capabilities and specialties that if we wish to create a bond with a particular divine energy one becomes at first compatible with it so that via our magnetism we can catch and imbibe it. Hard wax can never mix with oil but if this wax is melted using fire, it shall immediately mix with oil. In the same way divine subtle energies ordinarily are not attained by everybody yet if via spiritual practices/penance the inner psyche and soul are ‘melted' this divine energy can be imbibed. This methodology and technique in spiritual terminology is called Sadhana or spiritual practice.
On the basis of Super Science Yoga till now innumerable people have created the self capable of attaining desired energies of Almighty God. In ancient history and Puranas or mythology varied descriptions can be found which seems to say that via various demigods and methods of spiritual practice many people have attained many types of boons. This means that these people via spiritual penance rendered their inner consciousness so capable that they could latch on to desired godly energies and benefit from them. Gayatri practice is that scientific technique via which by imbibing and attracting the combined energies of God called Hrim, Shrim, Klim or wisdom, grandeur and strength can gather the same within and on its basis one can enjoy many psychic and material joys.
A superficial outlook may say that Gayatri spiritual practices appear like ordinary actions and it cannot be understood how one can benefit from them. But when super results of these are noted we perforce say that verily there is validity in these practices. The 24 alphabets of Super Mantra Gayatri have been interwoven in such a way that via its chanting, the nerves of our tongue, face, throat and palate start function in such a manner that small Yogic Chakras (subtle plexus) present in various parts of our body get activated. Just as for Kundalini Shakti awakening by activating the 6 Chakras divine energies are attained, similarly by merely chanting Gayatri Mantra these small glands on awakening showcase very great results.
Which type of hidden glands is present in which area of the body? Via chanting of which alphabets of Gayatri, which glands get activated? After these gland oriented Chakras awaken, which bodily and mental energies are attained? Of course all this cannot be described here but we can say that great Rishis of yore have very mysteriously interwoven these 24 alphabets of Gayatri Mantra. Via its focused chanting, such a subtle function commences in the body that very easily our inner psyche recesses imbibes so much magnetic force that easily God's Super Energy Gayatri can be imbibed in great measure.
Right since commencement of world creation till date, innumerable psychically powerful saints have executed Gayatri spiritual practices. Psychologists and psychiatrists know well that great soul powered saints possess so much will power for such a great length of time. This is because Gayatri Mantra due to its previously amassed spiritual wealth has become so much more potent. Thoughts never get destroyed because their clouds roam about in the sky. Whenever these thought clouds see intense thoughts of its own kind, there they burst forth and pour down like rain. It is thus that both good and vile thoughts gain momentum in an invisible manner. Thought clouds of previous great Gayatri devotees rain down on new Gayatri devotees and thus the latter taste success very speedily.
In various radio stations every moment various programs are broadcasted. But these programs are heard only if a radio is present there. Further within the radio only a certain program can heard on that radio station on which the needle is pointing to. Infinite energies of Almighty God by getting spread out from many centers are rendered cosmic and all pervasive yet only that person can imbibe it who via spiritual practices has converted his psyche into a ‘radio'. When we execute a particular spiritual practice in order to attain a particular divine energy it is akin to adjusting and tuning the radio needle to a particular station. Via this methodology we can attain required energies and spiritual grandeur from God's Super Energy Ocean and untold spiritual wealth. In Almighty God's imperishable divine vault there no dearth of just about anything. Man who is the immortal prince of God has all the right over every material of his father (God). The requirement only is that we prove our great credentials. Via our efforts, hard labor, penance and spiritual endeavor we must prove that we are rightful heirs of desired things. Thus there is no reason why we cannot get satisfactory joy and peace.
Gayatri practice based on concrete, scientific method of Spiritual Super Science is a very important technique. If with faith and trust it is tested, the results shall be full of hope.