Women's Ministry Devotional Ideas
- Women studying women of the Bible learn valuable truths about how to live and love as God's handmaidens. The Women's Ministry presenter can read through scriptures about a specific woman such as Abigail, Queen Esther or the Proverbs 31 woman and craft a devotional around her life and character trait. The presenter could consult a book or website focused on women of the Bible to glean more information such as the "Great Women of the Bible" devotionals found on the Devotional Reflections from the Bible website.
- Unity School of Christianity has published "The Daily Word" since 1924. Its website offers the daily devotionals for free each day. The presenter could use devotions from the website or from the print publication. Each devotional includes the word for the day, an affirmation, the devotional text and a scripture passage. When using the print edition, the presenter may select the devotion for the Women's Ministry based on the word for the day, rather than using the devotion appearing for the day of the meeting.
- The liturgical calendar scripture passages selected for each week, running in a three-year cycle. The passages include an Old Testament, Gospel, Psalms and epistle reading for the week based on the season of the year. If the church uses the liturgical readings, the presenter at the Women's Ministry gathering could select a passage different from the one used on Sunday or tie the devotional to the Sunday message.
- A number of ready-made devotional books for women, such as those found in the "New Women's Devotional Bible" edited by Zondervan Press, "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotionals for Women" by Jack Canfield et al., or "Women of Faith Daily Devotional" by Barbara Johnson et al., are available at reasonable prices. Women author most of these devotions. Each devotion includes one or more suggested Bible passages to accompany the devotional.
- For those reading through the Bible in a year, the devotional could use the passages assigned for that day. Through the Bible listings may offer three readings from the Old Testament, New Testament and the Psalms. Tyndale House offers a "One Year Bible" to make preparing the devotional easier. If you access the "One Year Bible" online, each day includes a devotional "Word for the Day," that the Women's Ministry presenter could use.
Women of the Bible
The Daily Word
Liturgical Reading Devotions
Women's Devotional Books
Through the Bible Resources