White Sun - Reincarnation & Liberation

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Deep inside us, we actually know about reincarnation but we have forgotten.
It is similar to certain thing that we have long accepted in the past but have to deny it due to our present spiritual path.
Ignorance means a lack of true understanding of the Truth and a long time ago we came to this world due to the so-called "Initial Ignorance.
" Because of this initial ignorance, we have misunderstood the meaning of life and failed to see the true picture of the world.
The word 'reincarnation' comprised of two parts.
'Re' means 'again' and 'incarnation' means 'being born to this world in a new body' or 'become another being again'.
This explains having to come back to this world again.
In some languages, the idea of 'reincarnation' is indirectly implied for example in English when a person died, we say he or she 'had passed away' to avoid using the word 'die' bluntly.
There must be something in us that had passed away leaving this physical body.
What actually can pass away because the physical body is left on this earth after death? If we insist that there is no such thing as the soul, then what can pass away? Chinese too dislike using the word 'die'.
Taiwanese prefer to use the word 'guo shen' meaning 'some one has died' or 'left the body'.
This clearly explains that something inside us leaves this body and seeks a new body to reside in.
It is the part of us called the 'true self' (soul) that has to depart from the false self (body) at the end of this life and passes to the next existence in another body.
The true self is intangible, cannot be seen, touched, destroyed, not born and is eternal.
After death, we are no more a living human being, but a 'dead body' or a 'corpse' but the true self lives on.
Living beings are supple and able to move freely while alive but dead bodies turn stiff shortly after death.
To move a corpse we don't need three or four persons but just two persons, one at the head and the other at the feet to carry it up and move it like a log.
When the true self leaves the body, the heart stops, the body becomes a dead body and the person is considered dead.
The Chinese word 'ren' meaning 'human being' comprised of two slanting strokes supporting each other, one long stroke on the left representing the soul and one short stroke on the right representing the body.
When the long stroke leaves the short stroke, then the short stroke cannot support itself and it (body) dies and falls down.
The long stroke goes somewhere and finds another short stroke to start another life and the short stroke will be buried six feet underground.
Scientifically in chemistry we know that our bodies are composed of various molecules, including oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and some minor molecules.
Where did these molecules come from? From our parents but spiritually, where were these molecules 100 years ago or 1,000 years ago? Where will these molecules be after 100 years or 1,000 years from now? All of them have to travel in a cyclic way and there were cycles in the past, and there will be cycles in the future.
They just change places and combinations but they do not perish.
In other words, these molecules can be used again and again just like recycled paper.
If we can accept that inside us is a true self that does not perish and it survives the death of this physical body, then many 'sentient beings' might dwell on it in the same way at different times.
These 'sentient beings' are our ideas and thoughts, they come and go and they emerge in our mind whether we like it or not and fake away in a similar way later.
We don't seem to have any effective control of them and time is the most important factor.
Speaking about time, we have seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades and so on.
We divide time into smaller segments according to our measurements or needs.
A second can be long for people anxiously waiting for very important news or struggling for survival.
A day or year passes like lightning for many of us.
Living a life now in the 21st century, we have forgotten our lives thousands of years ago.
Many people wish to live their lives in the same environment similar to those ancient people or their ancestors just two or three generations ago.
People then lived a simple life, riding horses and in peace with nature without having to worry much about the killings and wars of the modern days.
Unfortunately this is the 21st century and we cannot turn back the previous time.
We have no choice and most people identify themselves as the physical body and thus spend most of the time answering to its needs which is only temporary.
If we cannot accept the concept of our inner world, what we do is merely recycling heaps of various molecules in and around us.
In the end, we have to leave without taking anything with us, not even a molecule or an atom.
This is the advice from my Heavenly Teacher JiGong: "Undergoing the difference of time and space, words that one utters at the current level of awareness may have changed in half a year.
But still, the voice of the heart right at this moment must be expressed outward.
Then only can it be converted into energy and be 'digested' (dissolved and transformed).
In dealing with all matters, one must turn the light inwardly to find flaws with oneself (self-checked).
Then only can one discern everything clearly when encountering devilish trials in the course of breaking through the spiritual tests.
How to liberate oneself? One must start with a firm cultivation on one's body, tongue and intent (actions, words and thoughts).
Root out all bad habits and behavior while calm and quiet the moving mind (agitated heart) through firm cultivation.
Be able to endure disgrace, be forgiving and be large-minded.
Submit meekly to all unfavorable situations and conditions to let your wisdom increase and grow.
Have consideration for others at all times and naturally you will live transcendently and happily.
" Author: T.
A Chew
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