How To Wax Belly Hair
Is belly hair embarrassing you at all the wrong times? Safely wax it away and you'll have a fuzz-free stomach for weeks. It's always best to seek out a professional, but if you're willing to give it try, here is the way to get rid of that unsightly hair for yourself.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 15 to 45 minutes to remove belly hair by waxing
Here's How:
What You Need:
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 15 to 45 minutes to remove belly hair by waxing
Here's How:
- Buy waxing kit or strips. Waxing kits can be purchased a local beauty supply or online (compare prices). Or try the less messy method by purchasing pre waxed strips such as Parissa Tea Tree Wax Strips for full body (read review).
- Have enough hair, but not too much. The hair should be trimmed to about 1/4" long. Clippers are the best way to trim.
- Make sure your belly is clean. Use a pre-wax cleanser and apply a light dusting of powder. Don’t over do it on the powder, more isn’t better. Most kits will come with a cleanser and powder. If not, a mild cleanser is fine. Cornstarch can be used instead of powder.
- Wax on. Evenly apply wax in the direction of hair growth using applicator (wooden stick). Do not put it on too thick. A thin layer is perfect.
- Apply a strip. Apply a pellon or muslin strip over wax to remove the hair. Leave a small part of the strip up and away from any wax so you can use it as a tab or handle. Press and firmly smooth hand over strip in the direction of hair growth a couple times, to ensure wax is attaching to hair. Or use the pre wax strip and apply the same way.
- Remove the strip and wax. Hold onto the end of strip that isn't attached to hair. Pull skin taut with one hand, and remove strip in opposite direction of hair growth in one quick pull, with the other hand. Do not pull up. This can cause bruising and tearing of the skin. Pull at a 45-degree angle. Press hand down on the belly hair you just removed the hair from to help relieve some of the pain. If a little bit of wax with hair remains, simply put strip back on hair and pull off.
- Work through the pain. Work your way through legs repeating steps 4-6.
- Tweeze the lingering hair. Use clean tweezers to remove any lingering hair. Reapplying wax can lead to skin irritation, burns, and tears and skin removal. Try not to go over a spot you already waxed.
- Soothe skin. Apply after-wax lotion, or an aloe based lotion or gel. Tend Skin (read review) is a great product to keep from getting ingrown hair and relieving skin irritation.
- You’re done. And still alive!
- Test the heat of the wax on the inside of your wrist. Wax that is too hot will burn and wax that is not warm enough will not spread easily.
- Use a product numbing product prior to waxing (compare prices) your belly hair. It will help alleviate some of the pain you may experience. Remember, the more you wax, the easier and less painful it becomes. Read: Top Ten Tips to Reduce Waxing Pain for the full run-down.
- Preparing is just as important as doing the task. Make sure everything is clean and sanitary you use to wax with- including your hands. When finished, keep from adding bacteria to the freshly waxed area by not touching it unnecessarily.
- Waxing can cause red bumps, ingrown hairs and bruising. Read more about how to prevent and stay clear of waxing side effects.
- Learn about other hair removal methods, temporary and permanent: How To Remove Stomach Hair
What You Need:
- Wax kit
- Pre-wax cleanser
- Powder designed for waxing or corn starch
- Muslin or pellon strips
- Applicators
- Wax remover for the skin
- After wax lotion or an aloe-based gel