Video: Preparing Your Face for Straight Razor Shaving
Video Transcript
My name's Andrew Hunter of Ben's Barber Shop, and today we're gonna talk about preparing your face for straight razor shaving. This is the most important thing that you're gonna have to do that's oftenly skipped and when not getting a proper shave. Couple tips, when you first wake up in the morning you're face is puffy, you have to wait for the blood and your skin to reduce in the swelling so you can get a proper shave because what happens is when your face swells, the hair's actually back out through the pores so that way when your face doesn't swell anymore the hairs will come back to where they need to be when you're gonna shave them. Also, it's important that you prep your face with hot water. This is gonna pre-soften the skin and the hair when you shave. It's very, very important and vital that this process is necessary. Another option you can do is if you shower and you come straight out of the shower you can apply shaving cream and shave right away, it's equivalent of doing a hot towel for 20 minutes which is the best. If you decide to use the hot towel this is how you're gonna use it. You're gonna make sure that you fold it in half and you fold it in half again, one more time until you get this, you're gonna hold it like you're holding a hotdog. You're gonna come over to the sink, you're gonna make sure this is really nice and hot until your hands can't stand it, you're gonna ring it out. You don't want to pull all the water out because if you pull all the water out the heat goes away from the towel so you still want some, some water in there. You open it up and you want to check for the heat and the way you do this is you put it on your forearms like so. Once you feel that you can put this on your forearms you're ready to put it on your face. You prepare your face with a second hot towel you're gonna apply shaving cream onto your face and you're gonna apply it like so like this. You're gonna rub it in there gently not rough in a circular pattern. What you're doing is you're working in the shaving cream into the pores and into the skin. Once you apply fully to your face you're gonna do another hot towel. Follow the process as we explained earlier and reapply the towel. This is gonna allow the shaving cream to work into your skin by doing this second process here. Once you remove the shaving cream you're ready to shave. This is Andrew Hunter and this is how you prepare your face for straight razor shaving.