Future of Bhartiya Janta Party

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At the outset it is mentioned that the write ups is only on the basis of planetary forces and we have NO connection with political circles – reliance is placed on news papers reports and other published matter.

Of late, there has been news about the difference of opinions among the top party leaders. Some members have left the party and among them, two names are prominent, i.e. Madan Lal Khurana, ex chief minister of Delhi and Uma Bharti – ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh.

There has been difference of opinion within and outside the BJP party of course, as a leading opposition party has to express its concern, and raise the need of voice on a particular issue relating to the country as whole.

The recent issue of conflict outside the party, have been "Ram Setu" and the nuclear deal. Be that as it may, it is stated as under:

Ram Setu and Nuclear deal with USA

The troubled point "Since Ram himself is fiction, Ram Setu was not constructed by him" – K. Karunanidhi, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Hindustan Times ie 16 – 9 – 07

Congress rules out setu apology fro PM, Sonia – Hindustan Times dt 15 – 9 – 07

Freeze N – Deal for six months – CPM General Secretary, Prakash Karat – Hindustan Times dated 19 – 9 – 07

Other news need not be quoted – except the following:

prepare for snap poll, BJP tells cadres – Hindustan times dt 23 – 9 – 07

‘Behead Karuna, says seers, Hindustan Times dt 23 – 9 – 07

All these factors are attributable to planetary forces specially position of Saturn in Leo – thus the need for the leaders to apply their minds well as with the present circumstances, no party is likely to win clear majority.

Astro – analysis of Horoscope of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP)

BJP was born when Gemini Lagna ruled by Mercury was rising. Mercury was rising. (Mercury is a dual sign – apparently no astrological mahurata was taken.

Lord Mercury gets to 9th house with ketu aspected by Saturn, rahu an mars and also by Jupiter. Mars aspect the sun in 10th house – thus giving fire nature in the speeches of its members. The moon is debilitated in Scorpio (6th house). Venus is own sign Taurus (12th house) aspected by Saturn and perhaps this postion of Venus – Saturn may prove beneficial for women specially members of BJP.

Some differences have been noted between the leaders of BJP (LK Advani and Raj Nath Singh) and RSS. BJP is an independent political party but its command resets with RSS, following News items speak for themselves:

RSS, BJP far from frayed ties (Times of India dt. 22/9/07)

RSS not BJP's guiding force says Rajnath – Hindustan Times dated 24/9/07

Without multiplying other instances, these differences if any have to be sorted out for the success of BJP is under the influence of venus – Saturn. Upto 10/5/08 and time of ven – sat – rahu upto 8/12/07 is not favourable including proposals for mid term polls etc. inter – se relations shall improve after that period.

Asto Analsyis of Horoscope of Atal Behari Vajpayee

The native was born when libra lagna ruled by venus was rising. (there has been difference of oppion about the time of birth and some journals have taken the time to make the lagna scorpio). But the correct lagna is Libra ruled by Venus and this suits the poet – cum politician Leader.

The native has exalted Saturn (representative of Masses) in Lagna and Lagna Lord Venus gets to 2nd house. Sun, Mercury in 3rd House forms Budh – aditya yoga and the combination is with aspects, inter – alia, lagna. The horoscope becomes strong with Saturn, sun and mercury, Jupiter (own sign) though aspects of Rahu/Saturn/Mars have been creating ups and downs including for health.

At present the native is under the influence of Jupiter – Mercury and is favorable for success in political life irrespective of the age – see also under the Heading BJP's candidate for Prime Minister

The following times are not favourable:

Jupiter – mercury – mars – 10/2/08 to 5/4/08
Jupiter – mercury – rahu – 5/4/08 to 8/8/08

Delhi Metro dated 14/9/07 raised a question "is 82 year old Vajpayee too old to make a comeback." If health allows, age is not that much relevant – it depends on health of the native and how he would manage the affairs.

Astro Analysis of Horoscope of Shri LK Advani

The birth details have been picked up from published journals and thus reliance is placed on the published horoscope.

The native was born when scorpio lagna ruled by mars was rising. Lagna lord mars gets to 12th house with Sun and mercury. Saturn and ketu are in Kagna, Jupiter and Uranus are in 5th house, moon is in 6th house, rahu in 7th house. Pluto in 8th house, Neptune in 10th house and venus (debilated) in 11th house.

His high – powered oration is given by Mars – Lagna lord and high position is given by Sun and Mercury and Jupiter in own sign.

He has been ambitious to become Prime Minister of India but there have been some differences of opinion among the members of his party (BJP) and its allies including RSS and other organizations connected with BJP ie. Hindu Parishad etc. Following astrological factors are important in his horoscope to take the native to high Positon:

One of the pancha – Mahaprusha yoga – Hamsa yoga, formed by Jupiter in trine (own sign) and exalted in Navamsa Chart, neecha bhanga yoga of venus cancelled by mercury who comes in Kendra from the moon chart.

Budh – Aditya yoga, Sun and Mercury together (also in the case of Atal Bihari Vajpayee) – stand testimony to his intelligence, wisdom, vision, knowledge and education (it is learnt from Paper reports that he is law Graduate, cond. Horoscope of both the leaders ie of Atal Behari Vajpaee and of LK Adwani are good astrologicaly, age is no consideration but health is important. Be that as it may.

Atalji may bend in favour of Shri Advani or there may be other options as indicated below: BJP's nomination of candidate for primeministership

Of late there has been difference of opinion – rather acute difference among the members of the party:

Bhopal conclave was to project Advani as PM candidate but a letter from Atalji (Atal's come back talk triggered speculation (see economic times dated 19/9/07 and Hindustan times dt. 22/9/07).

Advani tries to cap leadership issue – happy to know about Atalji's health and that he would be in our midst before long.'

Thus the issue remains pending - Final observations:

Both the leaders may help the society and show unity of party by withdrawal of one. A new option is possible both the leaders may be persuaded by the party and other associated by the party and other associated to step down but be on the top of ladder with advisory capacity and new incumbent for the post of PM is nominated. Important leaders of the party for prime ministership can be:

1) Sushma Swaraj – time for women power
2) Dr. Murli Manhor Joshi,
3) Jaswant Singh,
4) Rajnath Singh
5) Narendra Modi

The letter of Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee is stated to have hinted for younger generation.

We are not mentioning other name of VIPs in BJP – but you are welcome to send birth details of concerned leaeders for astro analysis.

The above are general observations/ predications with reference to planetary forces as indicated above. Accordingly, the author, editor, kailash Asro – research team or astrology – the soul of all owes no responsibility for any action on may take in any walk of his/her life.
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