Great And Precious Promises

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Kerry: Yeah, I was reading on the airplane on day just a magazine article and this was back in probably 07 and it was saying that 50% of the medical students that while they were studying particular diseases that they started incurring some of those same symptoms of the diseases that they were studying. So its like whatever they beheld they became.

Sid: Well, you know after I understood what you were teaching here sometimes I would watch TV shows on medicine and about diseases and finding whats wrong with people and you know its kind of interesting stuff. But I decided I dont want to take that into my imagination anymore.

Kerry: Yeah, thats exactly right, people get on the internet and they get symptoms and then they come in the meetings where Im ministering and saying you know Well, heres my symptom, I went online and I saw this and I think that I have this. And so they begin to exhibit the same thing internally that maybe they think is going on in their organs which is not true. Because you know Job said it, That which I feared came upon me. And fear is a type of meditation, is a word hygog which means to see something ahead before it happens. So that which they feared or saw ahead of time can come upon them.

Its Supernatural: And you know people that say Well, I dont know how to use my imagination for these Godly things, they do it all the time with fear.

Kerry: Sure. Yeah, I ask people, I said, How many have ever worried about anything? Of course everybody raises their hand and I say Well, then you already know how to mediate then because youre mediating just on the wrong side of that, you know that faith has substance to it and the word substance means hypostasis. Have you ever been to a Jewish wedding they have a chuppah they stand under.

Sid: Right.

Kerry: Thats that understanding that they stand under. So faith really has an understanding of what were looking at. And when we behold what Hes called us to be and to do and the Bibles full of. Heres the promises that Ive given to you and directed to you. And in 2nd Peter 1:4 He says, Ive granted to you these great and precious promises that is in and comes through the Devine nature.
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