Smoking and Its Adverse Effect on Bone Healing
In clinics such as the Family Foot and Leg Center in Florida, podiatrists see a multitude of patients including young adults who have no idea of the dangerous effects that smoking can have on overall healing. Although this is a circumstantial finding backed by significant amounts of statistical evidence, many younger patients still are not aware of this. Read on to know more about this topic. The bones are also affected by smoking. Why are bones affected by smoking?Bones are nourished by blood much like the other organs and tissues in the body. Nutrients, minerals, and oxygen are all supplied to the bones via the blood stream. Smoking elevates the levels of nicotine in the blood and this causes the blood vessels to constrict. Nicotine can constrict the blood vessels approximately one fourth of their normal diameter. Because of the constriction of the vessels, there is diminished supply of nutrients to the bones. It is thought that this is the reason for the effect on bone healing, as the impending need for more oxygen and nutrients during fracture and osteotomy healing are not met, causing prolonged union time.Evidence Based Medicine ReviewAccording to Dr. Franklin chen, an orthopaedics instructor at Norwestern Univeristy Medical School in chicago, Illinois, cigarette smoking is detrimental to bony healing. He is the lead author of a report presented at the recent annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), held in New Orleans, Louisiana. He and his colleagues focused on the 13-month healing rates of 54 patients who underwent surgery to help correct a specific type of (often work-related) wrist injury called symptomatic ulnar impaction syndrome. Dr. Chen says that 95% of nonsmokers healed compared to 68% of smokers. This difference is statistically significant. The mean time to healing was 5 months for nonsmokers and 7.2 months for smokers. Previous studies have shown similar slower healing rates among smokers who have undergone spine or ankle fusion surgeries.
So that being said, it is important to note that when podiatrists and physicians recommend cessation of smoking, they are not simply being mean. Smoking truly has a direct impact on the healing potential of the body, including bone healing. This can impact healing time in stress fractures and wound healing as well, so if you stop smoking, this is your best bet!
You can either cut down on smoking gradually or as some experts recommend, stop completely on a pre-determined date. Stick to this date and stick to it. It is good to have a support group and the support of your friends and family during this time. Make a list of the reasons why you should quit and keep the list handy at all times. Look for other things to do especially for the times that you usually smoke a cigarette. Sports, a hobby, or an extra job can keep your focus away from wanting to go back to smoking. The various dangerous health effects should be enough to encourage you to quit smoking.
So that being said, it is important to note that when podiatrists and physicians recommend cessation of smoking, they are not simply being mean. Smoking truly has a direct impact on the healing potential of the body, including bone healing. This can impact healing time in stress fractures and wound healing as well, so if you stop smoking, this is your best bet!
You can either cut down on smoking gradually or as some experts recommend, stop completely on a pre-determined date. Stick to this date and stick to it. It is good to have a support group and the support of your friends and family during this time. Make a list of the reasons why you should quit and keep the list handy at all times. Look for other things to do especially for the times that you usually smoke a cigarette. Sports, a hobby, or an extra job can keep your focus away from wanting to go back to smoking. The various dangerous health effects should be enough to encourage you to quit smoking.