Baibai is the practice – within ceremonial Taoism – of offering incense to the Taoist altar. The offering of incense represents the separation of pure from impure; and the internal alchemical “burning” which results in the refinement and purification of internal energies. As the practitioner offers the incense, s/he is aware that the ashes that fall represent impure air that sinks; and the smoke, pure air that rises.
The practice of baibai also symbolizes the human body as being the meeting-place of Heaven and Earth: as the smoke rises, and the ashes fall, the practitioner makes a connection to both earth and sky.
Read More About The Baibai Ritual Here
Baibai is the practice – within ceremonial Taoism – of offering incense to the Taoist altar. The offering of incense represents the separation of pure from impure; and the internal alchemical “burning” which results in the refinement and purification of internal energies. As the practitioner offers the incense, s/he is aware that the ashes that fall represent impure air that sinks; and the smoke, pure air that rises.
The practice of baibai also symbolizes the human body as being the meeting-place of Heaven and Earth: as the smoke rises, and the ashes fall, the practitioner makes a connection to both earth and sky.
Read More About The Baibai Ritual Here