Writing for the Web
If you are hiring a writer, make sure you hire a writer well-versed in writing for search engine ranking, and for how users read on the web.
Here are the basics to look for when writing for the web: Rule #1 - Users don't read, they scan.
Use: Bolded Items Short Sentences Bulleted Lists Short Paragraphs Use Headings and Subheadings Rule #2 - The longer the line of text is horizontally on the page, the harder it is to read and comprehend.
Use: Narrow column widths (there is a reason newspapers are they way they are Left aligned text (never right or center align it) Rule #3 - The good stuff should be above the fold.
Use: Calls-to-action and offers above the fold Linked keywords above the fold Rule #4 - Your content makes or breaks your search engine ranking.
Use: Keywords and phrases in title, tags, headers Keywords as far up the page as possible Often, but not too often As internal links Rule #5 - Less is more except when it comes to search engines Use: Less than 100 words per page, if possible Case Studies, Articles, Blogs to add content that everyone may not read but that is important for search engines If you put these best practices into work on your site, you'll have happy users and high search engine ranking.
That means more leads, more sales and more traffic to your site, and who doesn't want that?