What to Do If You Can"t Get a Good SEO Ranking
It can be very frustrating not getting traffic when you are actually trying! That is why I want to help you right now.
First: You need to realize that it takes time to get a good amount of rankings to your site if you are new.
Google does not like to rank new domain names and websites very fast.
They want to know you are the real deal in that market before they rank you.
But the fast way to get rankings is to get a few really good quality backlinks from people who are highly trusted by Google and who have really high Page Rank.
If you get a few of these sites to give you backlinks, you will gain a lot of trust with Google and get traffic way faster then you currently are.
Second: You need to check and see if there actually is any traffic for your keyword.
It is easy to do the research and see that the "tools" say it is a great keyword - but your job is to figure out if it really is.
There is nothing worse then ranking for a keyword and finding out you're only going to get 10 visitors a month from that keyword & none of them will buy.
I have been there and done this & it is not fun.
So make darn sure you have traffic first!