How to Write SEO Articles
For most freelance writers, doing SEO content writing is the majority of the work they handle.
Most individuals who are searching for a freelance writer are looking to either market a product through an affiliate program, or they have a website that they are trying to optimize to get a higher position on search engines.
It is essential that every freelance writer learn how to write SEO articles and should also learn other aspects of search engine optimization in order to be more appealing to possible clients.
Learning how to write SEO articles isn't nearly as complicated as you may think.
SEO articles aren't that much different than your average information style articles.
The only difference between these and other types of articles is that SEO articles are optimized with specific keywords in order to achieve a high rank in the search engines in order to drive traffic to a particular person's website or product page.
One of the first tips you need to remember when learning how to write SEO articles is to write naturally.
In order to keep your audience and to connect with them on a personal level, you have to write in a personal style, and that is what is meant by write naturally.
You have to write in the same manner in which you would speak, as if you were having a conversation with one of your closest friends.
Keeping this in mind will help you greatly when you're first learning how to write SEO articles.
It's important for someone who is learning how to write SEO articles to make sure to do the proper research and produce content that is 100% original.
The last thing your clients want is you just taking someone else's material and copy and pasting it and claiming it as your own.
Your clients want content that is fresh, unique, and has a style all its own.
They hired you for your ability to be creative and express thoroughly researched information in a way that will attract attention to their websites.
They aren't paying you to be lazy, but to work, so make sure that you always do your best and don't just steal someone else's work.
Another important aspect of learning how to write SEO articles is learning about keyword density.
Keyword density is how many times a specific word or phrase is placed in the body of an article per 100 words.
When your article is submitted to directories or placed on a website, the search engine will send out spiders to "crawl" the article.
When this happens the search engines pick up the repeated phrases and this is what causes that particular article to start moving up the rankings.
The keyword density will vary from project to project, depending on what your client requests.
These are a few important tips to help you learn how to write SEO articles.
The most important and sometimes difficult part of writing SEO articles is to remember to write naturally, so be sure to keep that in the fore front of your mind as you're writing.