Tips on Carpet Cleaning for the Homeowner
Carpet cleaning was once something that you had to hire a professional cleaning service to come do.
Carpet cleaning required expensive equipment, hard to get cleaners, and a lot of muscle to get the job done.
Today things have changed and the average homeowner can clean their own rugs.
Carpet cleaning is done using a machine that dispenses a mixture of warm water and mild detergents onto the carpet surface.
The cleaning machine will have rotating bristles that scrub the soapy water into the fibers of the rug, and then the machine will be capable of sucking the extra water back out of the fibers.
In order to thoroughly clean your rugs you will need to move these machines over the dirty areas very slowly.
You will also need to clean the areas more than once to remove some stains, or clean high traffic areas.
Carpet cleaning without spot cleaning first will leave you disappointed.
Before you crank up the rug machine mix three drops of dish liquid with one cup of vinegar and one quarter cup of water.
Use a whisk to blend these items together.
Take a scrub brush and rub the bubbles from this mixture into any area that has a stain.
Then blot the area dry with a towel.
Repeat these steps until the stain is gone.
If you have pets in your house then add baking soda to your rug cleaner to eliminate odors.
You can buy expensive cleansers that are designed to eliminate pet odors, or you can mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda into each tank of cleaner.
The baking soda will be effective in helping you rid the rug of stains as well as odors.
If you want to give your home a fresh smell for a party, or because it smells stale after a long period without the windows being opened, then place one capful of your favorite mouthwash in your cleaning solution.
The mouthwash will eliminate odors in the fibers of the rug and leave your home smelling fresh and clean.
Be sure that you thoroughly clean your rug cleaning equipment after each use.
Empty all dirty water and pour out any cleaning solution that is in the container on the steam cleaner.
Then make sure that you properly remove any hairs or fibers that are caught on the rotating bristles so they do not stop the brushes from turning.
Carpet cleaning required expensive equipment, hard to get cleaners, and a lot of muscle to get the job done.
Today things have changed and the average homeowner can clean their own rugs.
Carpet cleaning is done using a machine that dispenses a mixture of warm water and mild detergents onto the carpet surface.
The cleaning machine will have rotating bristles that scrub the soapy water into the fibers of the rug, and then the machine will be capable of sucking the extra water back out of the fibers.
In order to thoroughly clean your rugs you will need to move these machines over the dirty areas very slowly.
You will also need to clean the areas more than once to remove some stains, or clean high traffic areas.
Carpet cleaning without spot cleaning first will leave you disappointed.
Before you crank up the rug machine mix three drops of dish liquid with one cup of vinegar and one quarter cup of water.
Use a whisk to blend these items together.
Take a scrub brush and rub the bubbles from this mixture into any area that has a stain.
Then blot the area dry with a towel.
Repeat these steps until the stain is gone.
If you have pets in your house then add baking soda to your rug cleaner to eliminate odors.
You can buy expensive cleansers that are designed to eliminate pet odors, or you can mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda into each tank of cleaner.
The baking soda will be effective in helping you rid the rug of stains as well as odors.
If you want to give your home a fresh smell for a party, or because it smells stale after a long period without the windows being opened, then place one capful of your favorite mouthwash in your cleaning solution.
The mouthwash will eliminate odors in the fibers of the rug and leave your home smelling fresh and clean.
Be sure that you thoroughly clean your rug cleaning equipment after each use.
Empty all dirty water and pour out any cleaning solution that is in the container on the steam cleaner.
Then make sure that you properly remove any hairs or fibers that are caught on the rotating bristles so they do not stop the brushes from turning.