A Whirlpool Apartment-Sized Washer Won't Spin
- Break the load in half; compact washing machines cannot handle the same amount of clothes as full-size appliances. The drum will not spin if the weight of the clothes is too great. Wash heavier items, such as blankets, separately from your normal load.
- Make sure the lid of the washing machine is completely closed; the appliance will fill with water but not spin if the door is left slightly ajar. Lift up the lid and firmly push it down until it clicks into place.
- Make sure the electrical cord is connected to a working outlet, disconnecting any extension cords or plug adapters. A problem with the electrical supply will keep the motor in the appliance from turning. Ensure the washing machine is connected to the correct voltage power supply.
- Only add the recommended amount of laundry detergent to the appliance, which will be less than in a full-size washing machine. Never use more than 1 cup of detergent for a full load and less if the drum contains fewer clothes. Too much soap will cause suds to appear and stop the washing machine.
Reduce the Size of the Load
Push the Lid Closed
Check the Electrical Supply
Use the Correct Amount of Soap