Best Hangover Remedies
If your mind is still working after all those drinks, remember to drink plenty of water before you go to bed.
Also drink plenty of water whenever you wake up during the night.
Alcohol dehydrates us, so you need to replace the fluid that's been lost.
When you wake up and feel your hangover start to kick in (maybe literally), drink lots of water.
At least a pint when you wake up and then more water during the course of the morning and afternoon.
If you've got any in the house, take some vitamin C and vitamin B.
They'll help you replace some of the vitamins that you've flushed out of your body with the previous night's alcohol.
Make sure you eat some breakfast that includes protein and carbohydrate.
Bacon sandwiches are always tempting food for the morning after and they fulfill this requirement as well as being tasty.
If possible, stay off the coffee and cola during the morning after.
The last thing you need at this stage is a drink that will further dehydrate you.
Aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen will help with that throbbing head.
No need for an expensive hangover pill - if you read the ingredients, you'll almost certainly find that the active ingredient is one of these three.
Keep a supply somewhere handy.
If you're able to, go back to sleep or at least rest on a bed.
Of course, if you've been out drinking the night before a workday or college, this isn't a particularly feasible suggestion.
But for weekends, it's a good thing to do.