Top 5 Tips For Getting Huge Boxing Muscles
So you want to build boxing muscles. Well fortunately, you've come to the right place. Today I'm going to share some of my underground training methods that I picked up from some top MMA & boxing athlete trainers for building crazy boxing muscles. So what are they:1. The Oh So Important Hand Muscles:Believe it or not, but one of the primary boxing muscles are hand muscles...Not your biceps. For strengthening all 18 muscles that open and close your hand, grab a hard stress ball and put your elbow against your waist. With the stress ball in hand, open and close your hand fully for 1 minute. Do this 3 times. The handmaster plus is a great tool for strengthening your hand muscles.2. Burpee Conditioning:a) Get in the squat position so your knees are bent b) Put hands out on floor in front of you c) Kick both feet back all the way (you'll be in a pushup position). d) Return your feet back to position (b) e) Leap up as high as possible - reach for max heightThe burpee workout is awesome because it'll build strength and provide conditioning benefits. You'll find it hard at first because we don't typically use boxing muscles everyday. So if you're starting out as a beginner, they'll be weak.Work your way up to 4 sets of 15 reps and increase the speed of your workout.3. Neck Muscles:Boxers have huge neck muscles. Nearly all of them. This muscle group is important because having a strong neck helps to absorb the impact of a punch. Neck muscles also contribute to a strong and balanced core. Neck bridges are a great way to train your neck muscles.While lying down on your back, place a weight on your chest. Push your pelvis up so your lower back is raised. Bring your feet closer so your knees are raised up. Now roll your neck back until your forehead touches the ground and back again. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. Be sure to change this up to 4 sets of 15 in 2 months. Even try 1 set of 50 with no weight.4. Arm Boxing Muscles:Bench press with your hands at most 5 inches apart. Start light because you'll have to get used to this exercise. This will do wonders for building boxing muscles. For your forearms and biceps, crazy 8's will do an amazing job. It's a well-known MMA muscle building tactic.5. Bonus Boxing Muscles Workout:Most people waste time doing boring workouts and miss out on many unconventional methods to get lightening fast results. One of these ways is jump rope fitness. Have you ever seen a real boxer train? The jump rope is part of their arsenal for building boxing muscles. Skip the rope until you can do 4x three-minute rounds. Take a 1-minute break between sets.This workout will strengthen and condition your entire upper body area, including shoulders, neck muscles, arm muscles, and hand muscles. What an awesome way to complete your boxing workout. Using the jump rope regularly is a sure way to build boxing muscles, especially if you do it after the workouts I mentioned above.