How to Remove Food Stains From Table Linens
- 1). Scrape away any dried-on food from the surface of the linens with the blunt tip of a butter knife.
- 2). Combine about 1 part dish detergent with 1 part water to make a gentle cleaning solution. Dip the clean, white soft cloth into the solution.
- 3). Dab the detergent solution contained on white cloth onto the stained surface. Blot the stain and pick up as much as possible. Continue to blot until the stain goes away.
- 4). Allow harder clumps of food you are unable to scrape away to soften. Dab the clump with the detergent solution until it is softened. Scrape away gently with the butter knife. For difficult stains, scrub gently with a toothbrush until it disappears.
- 5). Rinse the stained areas with clean water applied with a clean cloth. For areas that have become saturated with too much detergent, place a clean towel or washcloth directly under the stain, apply water to the top of the stain, and press down. The towel will absorb the water and the residual detergent.
- 6). Allow the linens to dry thoroughly.