Sensible Law of Attraction
Many people focus on the law of attraction as an escape from their lives, and as yet another opportunity to pass the buck. And this is a major problem with the law of attraction and the ways that its taught. So, in this email, well parse the difference between woo-woo law of attraction and a useful way of looking at the law of attraction.
Often, people think that all you need to do to attract things into your life is just think about what you want. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. While its important to focus your desires, its also imperative that you also focus on your emotions and thoughts relating to your desires‚¬and to remember that you still must act on inspired thought. For instance, if you desire a new lover, you cant just sit at home and think about all the things you want in a lover and hope that they'll just knock on your door. Moreover, you cant also beat yourself up when they don't knock on your door.
So, whats the proper way to look at the law of attraction?
First, you need to realize that you need to be emotionally congruent with the possibility of your desires manifesting. If you desire something you don't believe is possible, then you're blocking it from coming to you.
Second, you must focus your thoughts on your desires. Think about what it'd be like to have your desires, etc. Many people who have just seen the film the Secret think that this is all there is to the law of attraction. However, if it were the case that all you had to do was think about things and they'd manifest themselves in your experience our lives would be more amazing and far more terrifying...
Third, you must keep these states of allowing up. Its immensely helpful to be congruent with your wants for twenty or more seconds; however, to see real results with law of attraction, you need to be able to stay congruent with your desires.
These three points are what are taught by most mainstream law of attraction practitioners, but this leaves out a very important point that many people miss: you must also act in accordance with what you want.
So, fourth, you must act in accordance with these states. If you desire something, you must also make yourself available for it. Though this is not to say that you must make it happen by yourself‚¬your desires come to you through source energy; however, you must not resist your desires by not allowing them to happen either! To return to the example of desiring a lover, if you were to desire a new lover, but stay home, never meet new people, and not even try internet dating then your actions are resisting just as much as the emotions and beliefs that drive the action are.
In other words, the most important thing law of attraction tells you is to stop standing in your own way. So, make sure that you stay congruent with your desires in every aspect of your life‚¬including how you act, feel, think, and live in the world.
Often, people think that all you need to do to attract things into your life is just think about what you want. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. While its important to focus your desires, its also imperative that you also focus on your emotions and thoughts relating to your desires‚¬and to remember that you still must act on inspired thought. For instance, if you desire a new lover, you cant just sit at home and think about all the things you want in a lover and hope that they'll just knock on your door. Moreover, you cant also beat yourself up when they don't knock on your door.
So, whats the proper way to look at the law of attraction?
First, you need to realize that you need to be emotionally congruent with the possibility of your desires manifesting. If you desire something you don't believe is possible, then you're blocking it from coming to you.
Second, you must focus your thoughts on your desires. Think about what it'd be like to have your desires, etc. Many people who have just seen the film the Secret think that this is all there is to the law of attraction. However, if it were the case that all you had to do was think about things and they'd manifest themselves in your experience our lives would be more amazing and far more terrifying...
Third, you must keep these states of allowing up. Its immensely helpful to be congruent with your wants for twenty or more seconds; however, to see real results with law of attraction, you need to be able to stay congruent with your desires.
These three points are what are taught by most mainstream law of attraction practitioners, but this leaves out a very important point that many people miss: you must also act in accordance with what you want.
So, fourth, you must act in accordance with these states. If you desire something, you must also make yourself available for it. Though this is not to say that you must make it happen by yourself‚¬your desires come to you through source energy; however, you must not resist your desires by not allowing them to happen either! To return to the example of desiring a lover, if you were to desire a new lover, but stay home, never meet new people, and not even try internet dating then your actions are resisting just as much as the emotions and beliefs that drive the action are.
In other words, the most important thing law of attraction tells you is to stop standing in your own way. So, make sure that you stay congruent with your desires in every aspect of your life‚¬including how you act, feel, think, and live in the world.