All the Host of Heaven Shall Be Dissolved, and the Heavens Rolled Together As a Scroll - Isaiah 34:4

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The host of heaven comprises the angels, saints and Trinity God that religions have invented for the sake of their power and window dressing.
Old Testament prophecies were communicated by God for our guidance.
Religious fathers sought to overturn them for their purposes and they have misguided their communities by way of fake documents put up by cohorts, such Jerome who compiled and published the New Testament at the end of the 4th CAD.
Human power comes from belief and faith.
The more one convinces others to follow a trend the more successful and powerful one becomes.
Dissenters are, therefore, disposed of or they are made to look like fools.
That means they become ostracised, exiled, jailed or worse.
That is the case today in many communities where entire populations are led by an ideology and from birth there is no escape from it.
The leaders fear dissent if their people become wise to the lies and distortions of facts they put out there.
The way they conduct their business is so powerful that some are induced to fight in wars and even commit suicide on the say-so of some leader.
They promote martyrdom as a way of acceptance into the eternal kingdom called 'heaven' or 'paradise' and many dreams are promoted about the extraordinary life they will have after death.
The problem is no one has ever seen these places and you have to be dead to discover whether or not they exist.
Some religious teachers get over this by promoting saints as examples of how good it will be.
They claim miracles of healing performed by the dead and other things that are learned as part of the 'faith'.
If these things existed and are truly eternal then why would the Spirit leave the above warning in the OT prophecies? Why too would the following be included? "I am God and beside me there is no one else.
I form the light and create darkness; I make good and create evil.
I God do all these things.
Isaiah 45:4-8 If God is the creator of evil then there is no devil performing the task? If God is the only entity in the spirit world then there are no saints and no Trinity Godhead.
My reincarnation is well-remembered and I was born with a different language to my parents.
The strong link to the Spirit has been why commissions were received to tear down the wall of churches.
That wall is the barrier that religious identities have built to prevent the failure of their power and control.
It is what the Spirit is now destroying.
As there is no host of heaven and no eternal paradise then the myths surrounding them will go like a book or scroll that is read and discarded.
Like a tome that is no longer current information it will rot or be junked.
It served a purpose and that has now ended.
With communication like that which the Internet provides going into homes worldwide people are getting the education they were denied and are now seeing through what ancestral dreams are made from.
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