How to Create Glitter Candles
- 1). Prepare your mold by oiling the inside of the mold with vegetable oil. This will help your candle slip out more easily when it has hardened.
- 2). Fill a pot with about 2 inches of water and place the pot over high heat. Place a coffee can or glass bowl in the pot. The can or bowl should not be able to float over the water. If it floats, there is too much water in the pot.
- 3). Cut up the wax into small pieces and place it in the can to melt. Stir the wax continuously to prevent any burning.
- 4). Add some color, if desired. The easiest way to add color is to add some crayons to the wax. Allow crayons to melt completely. Stir until color has completely blended into wax.
- 5). Remove the can from the water. Allow the wax to cool for a minute or two before pouring it into your mold.
- 6). Pour the melted wax into your mold.
- 7). Insert your wick in the middle of the mold. Make sure it reaches all the way to the bottom. Wrap the end of the wick around a pencil or pen. Allow pencil to rest across the top of the mold. This will hold the wick in place as the wax hardens.
- 8). Allow candle to harden. Remove from mold.
- 9). Melt a small amount of wax over the stove again, using the previous method.
- 10
Prepare the glitter while the wax is melting. Lay out a sheet of wax paper. Sprinkle a generous amount of glitter on top of the wax paper. - 11
Brush melted wax around the edge of the candle. - 12
Roll candle around in the glitter. - 13
Let candle dry and harden completely.