Some Lies I Identified in My Life and the Miracles God is Doing Now - Part 2

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I am poor because I don't serve mammon; This sounds so right but many wealthy people tithe and give up to 50% of their income and do great things for the Lord through supporting ministries with good results that they have found and been led by the Spirit to support.
Many people have become very wealthy by applying the prosperity doctrine and have continued to grow in the Lord and give and give and give to the Lord.
I know the Lord can do more with $10,000 a year from an executive or a businessman then my paltry $35 every two weeks in tithe and $40 for proofreading for ministry.
I have to laugh at while I scoffed at the prosperity teachers I lived a lie that said I could continue to sleep with harlots and go to heaven as long as I said sorry each time I did every second week.
I have been broke from sin, not from serving God.
Praise God that today I am living in resounding victory from that sin over my life.
A sin I had no faith I could conquer because I lacked a simple teaching that took an hour to impart to me.
I did not know the difference between being sorry and truly repentant.
And I had no I idea how to really repent.
God gave me that knowledge in a DVD teaching and a sharp dressing down by a counselor.
Praise God for his mercy on the prideful man I still am and the ignorant man I was that when He saw me really weeping before him He gave me the grace to leave and took away a demon that used to pick me up and drag me there.
Some people think it's a noble thing not to work and earn money and be poor but the proverbs says a lazy man does not work and this makes him poor.
Paul says also that if a man does not work neither should he eat.
Yet the Lord Jesus says a lot about how the poor can be blessed in knowing him and He was even asked for temple tax and was broke and didn't have it as was Peter asked at the gate by the beggar for money and instead healed them.
To be full time in the ministry a person needs to get a grip on poverty and this lie that I have to be poor to be righteous.
I lived this lie for years until an Apostle of God knocked it out of me and the recent course did the rest.
There are so many good people who are really gifted that your money could expand their ministry and you don't even have to be called to the five fold ministry.
You don't even have to give money.
You can ask any ministry any little concern or big one to send you their prayer points and needs each week or month and you can email them back your written prayers and if they are from the depths of your heart and line up with the promises of God and the truth of the Word that you might feel led to quote in the prayers as random scriptures come suddenly to mind, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit You might find that half an hour on your knees each week and a written edifying prayer that a real man of God though he be little today in the eyes of the world can won you an enduring and lasting friendship when he each week openss his little blessing from his a faithful praying widow or your teenage daughter or successful suited up business executive male or female.
Did you know that one person praying that is living a holy life can hold the rain from pouring on Sydney Australia for three years under inspiration of the Holy Spirit to bring a judgment that will bring a nation to its knees? Elijah did it and he prayed only once and the rain stopped.
But if you are called as all of us are called to share our faith, a simple letter box drop of your whole community or city with your favorite tract would take some serious money.
Well if you printed the tract yourself.
Everything costs money and Jesus had no worries with money as the Father anointed Him with signs and wonders.
He didn't have to preach a mini service on giving each week, He came to the attention of some mighty rich sinners in pubs and bars and these rich good hearted people sowed thousands into his ministry of which he was always giving away to the poor.
So don't think you are self righteous because you are poor.
There are many good reasons you are poor.
I drove taxis for so many years I lost my qualifications for being a payroll clerk.
I suffer from mental illness now and my hands shake with a bad tremor and jobs are hard to get that you don't need experience in.
I'd love to find a church that would use my writing each week or basic office skills where I could work for free and in fact there is one Christian ministry that is looking for a position for me in their marketing department that I pray I will get.
Proverbs says I was poor as I saw harlots.
I will continue to be poor if I believe I am not worthy of money and do nothing to earn some money or make something worthwhile for money.
But I have plans and God seems to be inspiring them and confirming them with witnesses.
I am not proud; If my teachers only let me preach gee I could turn this church around; I am not worthy of sane friends; this is my lot in life, I still love God, I will just be Job.
Let me share my heart with you on these ones listed.
Perhaps you have felt like me.
Gee if you can relate to all of them we might make great friends and find healing together! I am not proud God was very gentle in the way He told me that I had pride issues.
I know he has told me one of my issues and I have faith that mu new prayer counselor can seek out the roots of where this took hold of my life and heal this root and then help me deal with the pride.
Meanwhile daily prayer and daily reading for the Word is my part in the healing game.
You only have to read the letters of Paul to see how many things you have to get better at.
Guys I have much work to be done on me.
A prophet said 18 months ago that I was hurting a lot of people and I had a lot of power and strength and that God wanted to put me away like a car in a garage and close the garage and get all the dints out of me, polish me up and bring me out shiny as new.
Now finally I have found a man that has committed to helping me heal and the painful but happy journey of healing has began.
The Lord's timing is perfect and he certainly knows how to humble me.
If my teachers only let me preach Gee I could turn this church around My teachers are anointed by God to lead their flock and shepherd their flock.
Three weeks of me in the pulpit could do untold damage as a tried to show revelation to them in three weeks when the Lord wants to show then slowly over a year.
Who knows the ways of the Lord.
But any man who thinks he is better then his pastor has a pride issue and needs to work on fruit in his own life and submitting to his leadership and trusting God will raise him up.
It says in Peter that if we humble ourselves before the Lord in due time the Lord will lift us up.
If we wait on the Lord, and we do our part and remain humble at the right time, when time is due, the Lord will exalt us.
My challenge was I have been in the pulpit in other churches a few times and have been very highly praised and given good feedback and guys I just loved preaching I knew I was born for it.
But God has his seasons and his seasons include times of personal growth and healing and God knows that LL I needed was that taste and I was going to do the hard work on myself to qualify for the pulpit.
I shared four times to groups of mental health professionals about living with my mental illness and was very warmly received and appreciated and that also was well received but over time fizzled out to nothing and once again the Lord showed me how good I am at presenting mental illness and making it understandable.
All great men took time.
Jesus took 30 years, Moses took a total of forty in Egypt and forty in the desert and then had forty years leading a stubborn people.
Man poor old Moses has such a hard life.
I am only 39, I am hoping for a breakthrough at forty rather then eighty though lol.
Abraham took 25 years for his son to be born.
I was told I would share the gospel with people who did not know Jesus in my future 25 years ago this year.
It's promise I have been living for.
All these numbers and yet EzineArticles in their grace lets me share online to 6000 people and I am very content speaking to you guys each week.
At least By march 2007 I might have a hundred sermon outlines.
Lol This is in no way an advertisement for an Australian church to invite me to speak to their congregation and lets face it with the stuff I am sharing here what pastor would want me in the pulpit yet, so I hope you guys don't think this is a clever sales pitch, its just me dealing with a lie.
When you are good enough to preach God will give you an audience.
When you have the knowledge and the fruit of that relationship with God.
Many gays are like that in fact many sexually molested people have issues with how God could allow them as a child to suffer like they did.
Many people have father issues based on inner bitterness they have toward their own father and so to relate to a Father in heaven that isn't like their own hurtful father is just to much for them That is an issue I have to do a lot of work on but my father really did do his level best to love me and though I suffered at the hands of a child abuser it wasn't really God's fault.
I am not worthy of sane friends My two friends up till six weeks ago, one is Bipolar or a Manic depressive and the other is on prescription pills for chronic depression and sleeping pills to knock him out each night so he can sleep.
It's a lie that because you suffer mental illness that you have t hang around people that suffer like you.
You can get to know and get close to people that can understand you that are not ill.
That is a fact because I have done it.
Many people who suffer think they are the world's most righteous man in the world like Job was in his day.
This is in most cases a lie.
Few men have been as good as Job, before or since.
Job 29 (New King James Version) 1 Job further continued his discourse, and said: 2 "Oh, that I were as in months past, As in the days when God watched over me; 3 When His lamp shone upon my head, And when by His light I walked through darkness; 4 Just as I was in the days of my prime, When the friendly counsel of God was over my tent; 5 When the Almighty was yet with me, When my children were around me; 6 When my steps were bathed with cream,[a] And the rock poured out rivers of oil for me! 7 "When I went out to the gate by the city, When I took my seat in the open square, 8 The young men saw me and hid, And the aged arose and stood; 9 The princes refrained from talking, And put their hand on their mouth; 10 The voice of nobles was hushed, And their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth.
11 When the ear heard, then it blessed me, And when the eye saw, then it approved me; 12 Because I delivered the poor who cried out, The fatherless and the one who had no helper.
13 The blessing of a perishing man came upon me, And I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy.
14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was like a robe and a turban.
15 I was eyes to the blind, And I was feet to the lame.
16 I was a father to the poor, And I searched out the case that I did not know.
17 I broke the fangs of the wicked, And plucked the victim from his teeth.
18 "Then I said, 'I shall die in my nest, And multiply my days as the sand.
19 My root is spread out to the waters, And the dew lies all night on my branch.
20 My glory is fresh within me, And my bow is renewed in my hand.
' 21 "Men listened to me and waited, And kept silence for my counsel.
22 After my words they did not speak again, And my speech settled on them as dew.
23 They waited for me as for the rain, And they opened their mouth wide as for the spring rain.
24 If I mocked at them, they did not believe it, And the light of my countenance they did not cast down.
25 I chose the way for them, and sat as chief; So I dwelt as a king in the army, As one who comforts mourners.
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