Eating Disorders: Another Reason to Have Hope If Your Daughter Is Anorexic or Bulimic
We have talked about multiple reasons for you to have hope, if your adolescent has an eating disorder.
1) There is an effective treatment called The Maudsley Approach; and 2) There is truth that replaces the lies of ED.
There is also a third reason.
The human spirit has a desire for wholeness Before your child developed this illness she was probably full of life, vibrant, funny, creative, and outgoing.
This is evidence of her spirit's desire to live a full and healthy life.
Your challenge is to remember that this pre-eating disorder child is still in there somewhere.
It doesn't matter how far down under the deception of ED she is; the girl you knew is in there.
As difficult as it is; when this new frightened, confused and angry child shows up at the dinner table you have to remember this is not your child.
It is the eating disorder rising up to bully, manipulate, and intimidate you so you will not make her eat.
She's trying to fight her way out You have to remember that whether you can see her or not, your little girl is doing the best she can to fight her way out.
But she can't do it without your help.
ED is too strong, obnoxious, mean, loud and controlling for her to deal with by herself.
She needs your help whether she knows it or admits it.
So when you have to "guess who's coming to dinner," be prepared for whoever shows up.
Your child wants to get well and is crying out inside to be whole again.
She just doesn't know how to get there.
Never, ever forget that deep inside she wants more than anything to be whole and healthy.
1) There is an effective treatment called The Maudsley Approach; and 2) There is truth that replaces the lies of ED.
There is also a third reason.
The human spirit has a desire for wholeness Before your child developed this illness she was probably full of life, vibrant, funny, creative, and outgoing.
This is evidence of her spirit's desire to live a full and healthy life.
Your challenge is to remember that this pre-eating disorder child is still in there somewhere.
It doesn't matter how far down under the deception of ED she is; the girl you knew is in there.
As difficult as it is; when this new frightened, confused and angry child shows up at the dinner table you have to remember this is not your child.
It is the eating disorder rising up to bully, manipulate, and intimidate you so you will not make her eat.
She's trying to fight her way out You have to remember that whether you can see her or not, your little girl is doing the best she can to fight her way out.
But she can't do it without your help.
ED is too strong, obnoxious, mean, loud and controlling for her to deal with by herself.
She needs your help whether she knows it or admits it.
So when you have to "guess who's coming to dinner," be prepared for whoever shows up.
Your child wants to get well and is crying out inside to be whole again.
She just doesn't know how to get there.
Never, ever forget that deep inside she wants more than anything to be whole and healthy.