How to Use Rubber Pants When Potty Training at Night
- 1). Make your toddler's bed with a plastic bed sheet over the mattress and the fitted sheet to minimize the mess if your child has an accident.
- 2). Limit your toddler's drinks during the final two or three hours before bed to minimize the need to urinate overnight.
- 3). Take your toddler to the toilet immediately before bedtime.
- 4). Place cloth training pants on your toddler and then rubber pants over the cloth training pants. Dress your child in comfortable and easy-to-manage pajamas. Pajamas with separate pants that your child can pull up and down by herself are ideal.
- 5). Tuck your child in bed and remind her that if she needs to go to the bathroom overnight, that she should get up and use the toilet. Use a nightlight to illuminate your child's path to the bathroom, if you desire.
- 6). Consider rousing your toddler to use the bathroom before you retire for the night. Often if a toddler uses the bathroom at this time, he will be able to sleep throughout the remainder of the night without needing to urinate again until morning.
- 7). Help your child if she has an accident overnight. Stay calm and positive while you help your child remove her wet training pants and rubber pants. Assist your child in putting on dry training pants and rubber pants and then redressing in fresh pajamas.
- 8). Provide positive reinforcement when your toddler stays dry. Provide positive encouragement when your child has accidents. Using the rubber pants will minimize the mess, making messes less stressful for everyone.
- 9). Continue using the rubber pants until your child consistently stays dry overnight. When your toddler stays dry for several weeks without accidents, announce that you think she is ready to sleep in regular underwear without rubber pants. Handle the transition matter-of-factly, as though you fully expect your child to succeed. Praise your child when he stays dry overnight.