The Power of Angels

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           My experience with angels, particularly with an angel I think of as my guardian angel, is that they are very powerful.  They manage to get across to you the information they wish to convey, which is usually done telepathically.  But I think what has impressed me the most from my experiences with angels is that they can pull your attention away from wherever it is focused and direct it to where they want it to go. 

            This has happened a few times to me.  Once, when I was very down and depressed and bawling my eyes out, the angel came and filled me with complete bliss and comfort.  That down, depressed mood evaporated in a moment, after which I was in a state of bliss like nothing else I had ever known.  I was then telepathically taken through the universe and shown how everything out there was in perfect order.  And during that `guided tour,' so to speak, the feelings of bliss, peace, and absolute perfect faith in the order of life continued to grip me.  It was truly fabulous.  A couple of weeks later, some sorely needed funds came through for me from a totally unexpected source.   

            Another time, I had asked to see what my guardian angel looked like, and one night when I was dozing off to sleep, something awakened me.  My eyes flew wide open and immediately spotted the angel's face on the ceiling above my bed.  It stayed there only a few moments, but it was quite clear, and made a lasting impression.

            In both instances, I am still overwhelmed after all this time at the way the angel took hold of my focus and turned it where s/he wanted it to go.  Angels can do that.  They can do all sorts of wondrous things.

            What is also so amazing is the way they can control events or happenings so that circumstances turn out fortuitously.  I recall some years ago, when I was driving on a very crowded freeway in Los Angeles.  The freeways there are invariably crowded, and usually move at a snail's pace.  But in this instance, four lanes of traffic had come to a total halt.  However, I was totally lost in thought while driving at about fifty miles an hour.  It did not register with me for some long moments that the car ahead of me was not moving any more.  When I finally came out of my reverie and noticed that the car ahead of me and all the other cars were stopped, it seemed like it was too late.  I was sure I was going to plow into him and likely do some awful damage.  I slammed on the brakes so hard that they smoked and stunk up the air all around.  I next instinctively swerved the car into the lane to my left.  Or perhaps the car just swerved over there on its own.  I'm not sure any more how it happened.  But, miraculously, a long space in that lane was empty.  There, my car had enough room to finally glide to a stop.  No smash-up, no injuries, nothing happened.

            Later, after I calmed down and thought back to the incident, I remember noticing that the car in the lane to my left had stopped way back and had not moved up earlier with the rest of the traffic.  Perhaps he had fallen into a reverie as well.  That there was a long, open space there, whereas in all the other lanes the cars were standing bumper-to-bumper, as if in a parking lot, was the miracle.  Only angels can arrange something like that.

            These are just a few instances of the powerful influence of angels in my experience. 

            We are stuck in the limitations of a three-dimensional, physical world, which angels can break through and control at will.  I only wish they would intercede and perform their so-called miracles more often.  I say "so-called," because I think what we label as miracles are really not miracles at all on another, more refined level of existence.  There are more dimensions to the universe besides the three-dimensional world we know.

            In the higher dimensions, consciousness exists outside of any physical body.  Time and space do not bind as they do in our physical world.  Consciousness is of a higher order, and I suspect free will, as we know it, is much more limited.  Access to spiritual power is freer and easier.  In our three-dimensional physical world, so many things can go wrong or interfere.  The energy is more sluggish in the physical world.

            However, the only way we can contact or access any higher dimension is through consciousness.  We humans do have that ability, although we rarely use it.  In the process of acclimating into the culture and society we find ourselves in, we lose that ability.  Our culture and society so strongly influence our thinking, teaching us how to live in fear, worry, anger, hatred, resentment, limitation, conditional love, and so on.  I'm sure you get the picture.  We thus nullify the ability to make contact with the higher dimensions.  If we do become motivated in the direction of things spiritual, we have to work our way back there.  That usually is a long, arduous process, and few rarely get too far.

            But I have slipped off the subject concerning the power of angels.  The angels, I believe, come from some higher, non-physical dimension to interact with us; to help, guide, comfort, and support our activities in this world.  More often than most of us realize, they do intercede in events.  I know many people have stories to tell of angelic visits.  By the same token, many people claim they have never experienced any such visits.

            Often, during a very trying time, an angel may comfort you by embracing you.  You will feel like something warm is wrapping its arms around you.  Many people claim to have had such an experience.  There are countless ways and means angels use to let us know they are here.  I suspect even more than many people realize, an angel has interceded for them.

            If you think you have never had an angelic visit, I would suggest that you just simply ask your guardian angel to make itself known to you.  Or you can ask one of the archangels, such as Michael, Gabriel, Uriel or Raphael.  Michael is the most frequently called on because he represents loving kindness and protection. 

            Please do not think that you are not loved sufficiently for an angelic visit to occur, or that you have committed some terrible sin.  None of that exists in the spiritual world.  That is simply the imposition of human judgment.  In the spiritual world, there is only love and forgiveness.  We are loved beyond measure.  After all, in the end, it's all God, all the same power and the same unconditional love which directs the angels as well. 

Sandra L. Lerner is the author of Connecting with Your Guardian Angel for Comfort, Protection and Guidance.

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