Trust God Through Misfortunes And Trials With Faith
We need to directly attend to God's word, place confidence in God through faith and try not to disobey Him. Sounds simple right? Maybe, it can be a harsh life attending to God. God never guaranteed us that life was going to be child's play. All those that have denounced the world and overcame their subjection to it, are the people that struggle with quite a few tests and trials. Many will Trust God by believing in Him.
Before we start a test or trial, we want to be watchful for a definitive conclusion and besides we have to acquire all the experience we can gain from it as we go through it. Many times we fail to do this, we start to get distressed or become panicky. This is not how we get our strength, this stalls us from progressing spiritually. We are in short supply of faith and it shows God that we don't depend on Him or that we don't believe that He will walk us through our troubled times.
Quite a few people will experience these tests and trials and they will not picture what's going on or should I say, "What they can get out of them." Let me explain it another way, when we are hit with a misfortune, what side do we mainly think about? We look at the bad side to this situation and we are faced with taking on the worry or fear of this problem. Why do we want to add more fuel to the fire? It is saying that we are weak in our assurance in God. This is why we need to Trust God.
Hardly anything terminates faith more rapidly than worries, fears and doubts. That is the one reason followers will ever learn to live or know the knowledge of most of the sacred text that are scribed inside the Bible. People can't develop spiritually because they can't let go of their fear. Many usually envision a another result than the one God has in store for them.
There isn't any measure of time set for these tests and trials, one or more may only be as much as 3 minutes, as a few may carry on for more than a year. This is why it is crucial for you to be awake. Always be aware of what's happening and you don't want to be too fast to move right into your troubles.
Don't get discouraged about tests and trials, get something positive out of them. They tend to be so propulsive that there really isn't any words you can use to explain about them as you pass through them relieved of worries, fears and doubts. You become so used to going through them and your faith is so potent that these three words are no longer a burden to your life.
Jesus told us to, ‘Pick up our cross and follow Him.' With out a doubt, you can't get to know Him if you can't prove your faith in Him. You can either veer off toward the left or toward the right. You will certainly be wandering aimlessly inside yourself. Man can't show you the way back to God, but Jesus is able to, once you ask Him to and trust Him. Just as you should Trust God.
Before we start a test or trial, we want to be watchful for a definitive conclusion and besides we have to acquire all the experience we can gain from it as we go through it. Many times we fail to do this, we start to get distressed or become panicky. This is not how we get our strength, this stalls us from progressing spiritually. We are in short supply of faith and it shows God that we don't depend on Him or that we don't believe that He will walk us through our troubled times.
Quite a few people will experience these tests and trials and they will not picture what's going on or should I say, "What they can get out of them." Let me explain it another way, when we are hit with a misfortune, what side do we mainly think about? We look at the bad side to this situation and we are faced with taking on the worry or fear of this problem. Why do we want to add more fuel to the fire? It is saying that we are weak in our assurance in God. This is why we need to Trust God.
Hardly anything terminates faith more rapidly than worries, fears and doubts. That is the one reason followers will ever learn to live or know the knowledge of most of the sacred text that are scribed inside the Bible. People can't develop spiritually because they can't let go of their fear. Many usually envision a another result than the one God has in store for them.
There isn't any measure of time set for these tests and trials, one or more may only be as much as 3 minutes, as a few may carry on for more than a year. This is why it is crucial for you to be awake. Always be aware of what's happening and you don't want to be too fast to move right into your troubles.
Don't get discouraged about tests and trials, get something positive out of them. They tend to be so propulsive that there really isn't any words you can use to explain about them as you pass through them relieved of worries, fears and doubts. You become so used to going through them and your faith is so potent that these three words are no longer a burden to your life.
Jesus told us to, ‘Pick up our cross and follow Him.' With out a doubt, you can't get to know Him if you can't prove your faith in Him. You can either veer off toward the left or toward the right. You will certainly be wandering aimlessly inside yourself. Man can't show you the way back to God, but Jesus is able to, once you ask Him to and trust Him. Just as you should Trust God.