5 Secrets to Better Marketing Results
First, create a strong marketing foundation. Regardless of which tactics you choose to use to build your business, you will likely fail unless you have a strong foundation. So what are the key 'must have' elements that you need before you start doing any marketing?
A clearly defined target. Don't attempt to market to everyone or you end up reaching no one!
Understand customer problems. You can't communicate solutions if you don't know the issues.
Focus on benefits, not features. What's in it for the customer €" think emotional or financial payoffs. That's why they buy.
Your message. Remember the three C's €" concise, compelling and consistent.
Second, create plan of attack for your marketing. Don't wing it. Here's a few common problems you should avoid:
Lack detail. Don't just list the tactics or strategies (what you want to do). Due dates, specific tasks and responsibilities go a long way toward getting it executed.
Lack creativity. Get out of your comfort zone. Include the stuff that has consistently worked, but try a few new things too. Think out of the box. Look outside your industry or at other companies you admire. How can you apply €the good stuff' in your business?
Ignore your strengths. Face it, you will have more success using tactics that match your strengths. For example, if you hate networking, then building a plan with networking as a key tactic is a recipe for failure. With over 100 different ways to grow your business, choose those that work for you, not against you. It will make marketing easier and certainly a lot more fun - so you will do it! If something isn't your strength (but important) then delegate or outsource it!
Too many goals. Trying to do too much will often prevent you from doing anything well. Make sure your tactics match your resources in terms of your time and money €" there are trade-offs. Most small businesses find that it is better to do 4-5 things really well than to do 8-10 poorly.
Third, invest resources in the right products or services. While you may offer a variety, all products and services are not created equal when it comes to profitability. Invest your time and money promoting and growing your core, premium products €" not everything you sell. Many of the other ones are natural extensions or down-sells from your core products, so allow your website or people to cross sell, down-sell or up-sell those where appropriate.
Fourth, integrate your efforts. If you want more bang for your buck, make your marketing work together. With a little planning, you can promote an event with a flyer or print and support it with your monthly newsletter and social media. Together, they build synergy €" and improve results. And all it takes is a little advance planning.
Last, systematize your marketing. Marketing systems, like others in your business, aren't glitzy €" but they sure make what you do more efficient, more effective and more consistent. And since results come from consistently taking action, systems allow you to do more with a lot less effort.
Every small business needs to market to get new customers and grow sales. So make it work for you, not against you. With a strong foundation, a plan and the right approach, you can get more customers with a lot less resources €" time and money.