How to Get Back With an Ex Partner Quickly
BUT I managed to do something about it.
I took control.
I set about getting back with my ex - and it worked.
How I did it For a long time after the break up I was a mess.
I didn't want to eat, didn't want to go out - didn't want to do anything.
But then it struck me, much as I wanted to get back with ex I was unlovable right then.
Why would they want me back? So I set about changing things.
I took control.
I bought new clothes so I could look smart.
I took pride in my appearance again, I went out, had fun and reminded myself life was worth living.
That was step 1.
Step 2 was a bit more complex, but it is perhaps even more important.
I tapped into my knowledge, knowledge that if used right would allow me to get back with ex partner, to rekindle the relationship.
What knowledge? The knowledge of my partner as a person.
What they liked, what they disliked.
I knew what clothes they liked their partners to wear, what music they liked, how they liked my hair.
I knew everything I could ever need because I had already been in a relationship with them.
I had a huge unfair advantage over everyone else.
So I set about putting that knowledge to use - and you can do the same.
Think for a moment.
It is that knowledge that you already have that you can use.