How To Get 20 New Customers For Your Small Business In The Next 30 Days
" But, we just need to accept that it's not the economy's fault - since there are plenty of people making money in this economy.
But the fault lies with us - because we are too comfortable to do the things that we know will get us all the customers we need.
Let me explain.
Imagine if someone offered you 1 Million dollars for you to get 20 new customers in 30 days...
Could you do it? How about 10 Million? I am sure you are probably nodding your head right now.
It goes to show you, it's not a matter of if we "can" get 20 new customers in 30 days - but rather are we ready to commit to doing it.
So again, the fault lies with us.
Since we have all that it takes to make it happen, I am going to give you 7 places you can go to get your 20 new customers this month.
Previous customers - statistically there is a 50-80% chance that your previous customer will buy from you again - its time to cash in on this.
Referrals - ask all your customers for referrals this month, and see how many new customers you will get from it.
Especially since, statistically 80% of people will refer if you ask them.
Start a Pay per Click Campaign or get on Google Maps - The idea is to get on the first page of Google as fast as possible - so that people can find you.
Do a workshop - Workshops are great because you can call many people to action from the stage - at one time.
Someone always buys.
Find your ideal group - Find a group that gathers around an idea or issue that your product or service can resolve.
You will become their #1 resource.
Centers of influence - Find the people that love to share everything with others (town criers I call them), and get them in your corner.
They will broadcast your message to hundreds...
even thousands.
Phone or feet - Cold calling (or canvassing), though many of us don't like it - is always effective.
If, you call enough people, there is only a matter of time before you get a new customer.
There you have it.
7 places you can go to this month that will get you the 20 customers that your business needs.
Just remember, it is not a question if you "can" do it - its only a question of when.