How to Remove the Smell of Urine From Mattresses
- 1). Put on rubber gloves to protect your health. Remove all sheets and pads/covers from the mattress. Locate the urine stain.
- 2). Blot the urine from the mattress with a washcloth or paper towels. Avoid pushing or rubbing on the urine because you can push it deeper into the mattress.
- 3). Sponge laundry detergent onto the urine stain, covering it completely.
- 4). Rinse the detergent from the mattress by blotting with a washcloth dampened with white distilled vinegar. Rinse the washcloth as needed until you remove the urine stain and odor.
- 5). Allow the mattress to air-dry. Place fans in front of the mattress or place it outdoors in the sunlight.
- 6). Sprinkle baking soda over the mattress if you still notice the urine odor. Allow the baking soda to sit on the mattress overnight and then vacuum it off the mattress.
- 7). Pour club soda over the urine stain and odor if it still remains, blotting it with a clean washcloth. Repeat steps 5 and 6.