Be An Exhibitionist: How to Show Your Roses

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Now that you have a rose garden you are proud of, it's time totake the next step and let others see the beauty of your roses.Rose shows and exhibits are exciting events where you get achance to see how your roses stack up against other rosarians'.It doesn't matter if you win -- the experience alone will befun, and you'll learn a lot.

Visit a Rose Show

Before entering your own roses, visit a few rose shows to seehow everything works. If at all possible, get permission toenter the preparation room to see what experienced displayers dobefore the judging begins.

Get The Rule Book

Get a copy of the rule book from the American Rose Society.Visit their web site at for more information.

When you decide you are ready, look for a show that's close tohome to limit your travel time and expenses. Many exhibits offerspecial judging classes for beginners, so try to find one ofthose for your first time.

Follow this timetable and you'll be ready to face the judges onthe day of your show:

30 Days Before The Show

It's easiest to start with 1 single bloom on a stem, so selectthe 1 rose you will be showing. Be sure to pick a rose with asturdy and straight stem.

Begin preparing the rose for exhibit by cutting off all of thebuds that are forming on the side of the stem between the topand the leaf. This focuses all the nutrients to the single bloomat the end of the stem.

Support the cane of your selected rose by staking it with abamboo stake and some rose or twist ties. This protects the caneand helps to support the rose as it grows.

Spray fungicide when needed, and promptly remove any aphids orspider mites. Aphids can be removed by spritzing with soapywater. Spider mites can be lightly sprayed with plain water.

Water your roses as you normally would, and apply organics andfertilizer as needed.

Put together your tool kit for the day of the show. Mostexperienced rosarians carry the following in their kits: *American Rose Society Rule Book * Shears * Several soft cloths *Cotton swabs (such as Q-Tips) * Plastic wrap * Small, softartist's paintbrush

7 Days Before The Show

Cover your selected bloom at night with a baggy that's securedbelow the bloom with a tie. Remove the baggie before the sunrises in the morning. Do this every night until you leave forthe show.

2 Days Before The Show

Cut the rose, with the stem a bit longer than usual, because youwill be re-cutting it on the day of the show.

Place the rose in a florist's bucket, cover the bloom with abaggie and tie it off below the bloom. Place the bucket and rosein the refrigerator.

Morning of The Show

Remove the rose from the refrigerator, place the container androse safely in your car, grab your kit, and head for the show!
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