Tips to Learn to Speak English Fluently
However, fear not because there are MANY ways to learn English provided you put in the effort.You may ask: How? Learn to speak English?! Yeah right...Well if this is your attitude now then that is the first thing you need to change. If you are already a positive person who is ready to tackle this language and tame the ""English beast"" then you are half way home my friends. How? Learn to speak English? Lets go!
Experts say that we store words in ""schema"" structures. For example, in our schema for ""restaurant,"" we store a multitude of words, like: table, waitress, waiter, cook, food, chair, menu, check, tip, etc. In our schema for hospitals, we store words like: doctor, nurse, bed, surgery, needle, medicine, pills, etc. So put your new vocabulary words into schemas, and you will have an easier time remembering them."
Look into online programs (if your budget permits it) to speed up the process ten fold
Practice your English a little everyday. Speaking the language is what will allow it to become a part of you.
Internet. Never get enough of it. Whatever do you want you can have them on Internet. You can search about anything online. Just read them, Listen to the, Talk to them. Once you become familiar with it won't be that much hard.
Read English as often as you can. Practice, practice, practice.
Join an English Internet Community. When working toward any goal, it's always good to have the support of other like-minded people. Joining an ESL Internet community gives you the ability to be connected to thousands of other English learners at once. From them, you can get help with issues you are facing, support and encouragement, and you can offer the same to other people!
Develop a habit. Develop a routine to work on your English skills every single day. Really, it's one of the most important tips. It's crucial to your success. You need to learn regularly if you want to become a fluent speaker.
Stop wasting time using old methods. Throw your old textbooks in the garbage and never think about them again. They are boring and a waste of time. If the old method did not work before, it will not work now.
It's a good idea to seek formal English training from an experienced teacher or tutor who can explain and teach you English. You will need to decide how fast you want to try and progress with your English skills. The more you practice reading, writing, and speaking English, the more of the new vocabulary, grammar, and usage you will begin to retain and be able to employ more comfortably. If you can only study with an instructor once or twice a week for a few hours, that is fine, but you need to still do some practice on your own time and realize that your progress will be slower than someone who is practicing and receiving instruction every day or for several hours every other day.
Still the most important thing is to learn English is Dedication. You should have desire to learn a new language, enthusiasm as well."
Experts say that we store words in ""schema"" structures. For example, in our schema for ""restaurant,"" we store a multitude of words, like: table, waitress, waiter, cook, food, chair, menu, check, tip, etc. In our schema for hospitals, we store words like: doctor, nurse, bed, surgery, needle, medicine, pills, etc. So put your new vocabulary words into schemas, and you will have an easier time remembering them."
Look into online programs (if your budget permits it) to speed up the process ten fold
Practice your English a little everyday. Speaking the language is what will allow it to become a part of you.
Internet. Never get enough of it. Whatever do you want you can have them on Internet. You can search about anything online. Just read them, Listen to the, Talk to them. Once you become familiar with it won't be that much hard.
Read English as often as you can. Practice, practice, practice.
Join an English Internet Community. When working toward any goal, it's always good to have the support of other like-minded people. Joining an ESL Internet community gives you the ability to be connected to thousands of other English learners at once. From them, you can get help with issues you are facing, support and encouragement, and you can offer the same to other people!
Develop a habit. Develop a routine to work on your English skills every single day. Really, it's one of the most important tips. It's crucial to your success. You need to learn regularly if you want to become a fluent speaker.
Stop wasting time using old methods. Throw your old textbooks in the garbage and never think about them again. They are boring and a waste of time. If the old method did not work before, it will not work now.
It's a good idea to seek formal English training from an experienced teacher or tutor who can explain and teach you English. You will need to decide how fast you want to try and progress with your English skills. The more you practice reading, writing, and speaking English, the more of the new vocabulary, grammar, and usage you will begin to retain and be able to employ more comfortably. If you can only study with an instructor once or twice a week for a few hours, that is fine, but you need to still do some practice on your own time and realize that your progress will be slower than someone who is practicing and receiving instruction every day or for several hours every other day.
Still the most important thing is to learn English is Dedication. You should have desire to learn a new language, enthusiasm as well."