How To Plant Rhubarb?
There are a multitude of benefits in growing this perennial plant as they offer gardening enjoyment to the beginners and also provide a bountiful harvest.
Being decorative as well as being utilized for food is a highlight of this plant.
As rhubarb is a perennial plant once planted, it gives the planter a good harvest that extends to about 10 to 15 years.
This plant is often found to grow vigorously and is quite a hardy crop since it can withstand lack of water for a long time.
Rhubarb is a favorite home grown vegetable because it can be used in the preparation of pies, jams, desserts, etc.
The rhubarb leaves is highly toxic as it contains a toxic substance known as oxalic acid.
They are potentially dangerous and may even cause death if consumed in large quantities.
Therefore, care must be taken to plant rhubarbs away from the areas where children, pets or livestock frequently use.
Rhubarbs do not grow if there is excessive moisture in the soil as the roots might easily rot because of water logging.
They need well drained soil and a location that offers ample sunlight.
It is wise to set the soil adequately before the rhubarbs are planted because they rely on this soil for about 10 to 15 years.
All weed growth should be removed from the garden patch and the soil should be tilled to about 8 to 10 inches.
To set a good soil structure that provides essential nutrients, manure or compost should be added to the soil.
Adding a high level of well rotted organic matter, a month in advance will definitely consolidate the soil.
The planters use rhubarb crowns instead of seeds and they are planted in early spring.
The crowns should be planted in such a way that they are about 10 cm below the soil surface and the crown buds in a more elevated position of about 2inches below the soil surface.
These crowns develop new roots sections and they should be split to prevent overcrowding.
Even with a very little tending, they can yield high quality and quantity of rhubarbs.
In the growing season the planter should cover the crowns with a cloche.
When the flowering starts they should be cut down as they divert the plant energy and reduces the leaf stalk yield.
Fresh manure should not be added as this burns the crop.
The crop is harvested by cutting the stems at soil level and few stems are left to regenerate energy to the plant and growth reserves.
Being decorative as well as being utilized for food is a highlight of this plant.
As rhubarb is a perennial plant once planted, it gives the planter a good harvest that extends to about 10 to 15 years.
This plant is often found to grow vigorously and is quite a hardy crop since it can withstand lack of water for a long time.
Rhubarb is a favorite home grown vegetable because it can be used in the preparation of pies, jams, desserts, etc.
The rhubarb leaves is highly toxic as it contains a toxic substance known as oxalic acid.
They are potentially dangerous and may even cause death if consumed in large quantities.
Therefore, care must be taken to plant rhubarbs away from the areas where children, pets or livestock frequently use.
Rhubarbs do not grow if there is excessive moisture in the soil as the roots might easily rot because of water logging.
They need well drained soil and a location that offers ample sunlight.
It is wise to set the soil adequately before the rhubarbs are planted because they rely on this soil for about 10 to 15 years.
All weed growth should be removed from the garden patch and the soil should be tilled to about 8 to 10 inches.
To set a good soil structure that provides essential nutrients, manure or compost should be added to the soil.
Adding a high level of well rotted organic matter, a month in advance will definitely consolidate the soil.
The planters use rhubarb crowns instead of seeds and they are planted in early spring.
The crowns should be planted in such a way that they are about 10 cm below the soil surface and the crown buds in a more elevated position of about 2inches below the soil surface.
These crowns develop new roots sections and they should be split to prevent overcrowding.
Even with a very little tending, they can yield high quality and quantity of rhubarbs.
In the growing season the planter should cover the crowns with a cloche.
When the flowering starts they should be cut down as they divert the plant energy and reduces the leaf stalk yield.
Fresh manure should not be added as this burns the crop.
The crop is harvested by cutting the stems at soil level and few stems are left to regenerate energy to the plant and growth reserves.