The Cosmic Engineer: Pt.2 "The Cosmic Warrior"

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The Cosmic Pulse of Life will provide you with the necessary information to enable you to fight against a conspiracy that is waging an extra-dimensional war on humanity. This conflict has been described by author Trevor James Constable as "A progress for control of the mind of man, a veritable battle of the earth that will determine the future course of evolution."

For several years, at the height of the UFO contactee movement, Trevor had been searching for messages from outer space with George Van Tassel at Giant Rock in the High Desert of Southern California. At the crux of his search, amidst many contradictory messages from the various UFO contacts or Etherians, he received a marvelous piece of advice from one of his most trusted advisors Franklin Thomas. This advice is as important for those of us in the fight today as it was to Trevor in the 1950's :

"You have reached a point where you have a sort of assignment, a task to discharge. I cannot tell you where it will lead" to a discovery or disappointment" but I can tell you with certainty that success, if it is to come to you, demands that you cut off all psychic activity and abandon it entirely. Everything for you, henceforth must be in the full light of consciousness with no communication of any kind with any unseen forces. No matter what their purported wisdom. Contact must be with our own High Self your Atma and with nothing inferior to that."

From here-on-out aided by the scientific ideas of the New Knowledge that he had discovered available he was able to proceed to expose the quasi physical nature of the situation in a depth that has been hitherto unplumbed, the etheric manifestations of forces beyond our normal perception. Trevor was able to access the Etheric realm with photography, but more than the photographic evidence was the hidden language he was learning to read. This language was the key to his unveiling the New Knowledge in The Cosmic Pulse of Life.

"The time has come to establish a more rational perspective, from which we will allow the phenomena to tell us about themselves in their own way. Manifestation is a language of its own, and one we must learn."

Quickly the patterns he perceived led him to make one of the most decisive statements in the history of UFOlogy... "The hostility of certain visitants must be woven into a comprehensive UFO theory."

"The assumption that entities -from space- are necessarily benign is one of the prime humbugs in conventional UFOlogy. Mechanistically minded humans are reluctant to associate superior technology with inferior motives, despite the lesson of our own world that man's ability to survive is threatened by misuse of technology."

"In other words, around us, beside us, inside us in space, the same relationship is likely to exist. In these other worlds, there are etherians who have not only been introduced by Meade Layne, but also beings who are undoubtedly more rotten, decadent and degenerate than modern man has allowed himself to become. These entities are in a large way responsible for pulling man down. They oppose his evolutionary development"

Into this time of darkness emerges a New Knowledge to give strength and power to a human resistance the like the world had never seen. At a time when the "Arimanic Forces" had corrupted knowledge and language in hundreds of sinister ways a rebirth of ancient wisdom is a new technological form emerged. Trevor observed this when he announced : "There is the conceptual dead end at which mechanistic science finds itself at its moment of greatest glory and influence; and there is the glittering promise of the New Knowledge arising from the ruins of the old."

Trevor was very influenced by Rudolf Steiner's idea that the tools or sense perceptions heeded to "reach out and grasp" the etheric are latent in the human consciousness and must be developed. We must take charge of evolution and lead our fellow man in a massive awakening to the invisible threat from beyond the borderlands.

When Trevor says, "Any person wishing to know what is behind UFO's, and wanting to know how to get at them experimentally, will be well advised to not just follow this experiment with his mind, but to actually do it." He insists that the direct experience of the etheric is the most direct physical way to interact with this phenomena. The entire idea can be surmised in the basic idea, "A human being extends farther than the immediate visible limits of his flesh." He shows you how to get almost immediate access to the etheric with just a simple technique for seeing the Orgone/etheric radiance of your own hand. From this first direct experience we branch out to a more gradual expansion of these powers of perception, truly extraordinary tools for self defense in a realm of invisible predators.

"The radiation of your Etheric double will appear as a soft luminescence standing out around your fingers."

"For his Space Age, man must have a new thinking-a new mode of mentation and he must have the New Knowledge, a small portion of which is being related in this book to the crucial and otherwise insolvable problems created by the UFO's." Trevor outlines this New Knowledge in his wonderful sketches of his Titans. Dr. Franklin Thomas, Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Dr. Ruth B. Drown, Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Orgone energy and cosmic electronics are two manifestations of this new mentation that can be further researched at Borderland Sciences Research Foundation.

Using Wilhelm Reich's cloud busters tuned with Ruth Drown's instruments Trevor has opened a pathway into the borderlands of science, a window into the cosmic, where the etheric can be directly manipulated. Despite his best efforts to document his works it was ignored. "Official Science would look anywhere, at anything no matter how ridiculous or insignificant, provided it should look away from pressing cosmic phenomena."

"UFOs have brought with them a new source of energy, a new mode of propulsion and the conquest of gravity"

A massive body of work at Borderland Sciences from these turn of the century pioneers sported his researches into the Etheric Energy of early electromagnetic theory. A new twist was needed and that research was stimulated by Trevor Constable's contact with these entities. By that time even the amazing work of Wilhelm Reich was terminated shortly after he began exploring ways to counter-act the deadly Orgone effects the etherships were having on the atmosphere. Dr. Wilhelm Reich like Dr. Ruth Drown was thrown in prison for their research that threatened to expose the etheric realms. From these early battles with the multidimensional conspiracy Trevor was safe to proclaim that, €UFOs have brought with them a new source of energy, a new mode of propulsion and the conquest of gravity and that the biggest threat to the establishment was that, "The energy cannot be put into a wire or a tank and sold." The biggest threat to humanity is when it seems normal to slave for the basic energy needed to live a full technologically enhanced life.

Trevor Constable will introduce you to this conspiracy, he will open your eyes so that you can no longer be duped by it and he will introduce you to the tools you will need to resist the total assault on the human consciousness. "Let us turn to our first analogy. Malfeasance, embezzlement, theft, bribery, corruption, deception, premeditated murder and all other left-handed activity on this earth shares a common functioning principle: keep the victim unaware that he is being preyed upon. The pickpocket depends on legerdemain, the thief on stealth, the embezzler on misplaced trust."

"The towering theoretical problems involving UFOs is a challenge to the best that is in man. The Little Man that is in all of us, usurper and suppressor of all that is great and godly in every one of us, wants us to hang on like drowning people to that seedy extraterrestrial theory. If we catch the sweeping magnitude of the mystery, if we let its grandeur and cosmic pow
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