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Holidays & party : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Customize Gummi Bears

While very few companies offer customized gummi bears. Many sell single-flavor packages of the chewy, gelatinous candy, making it possible to put together your own custom packages. Mix and match gummi bears in your school or team colors, company logo colors, or colors to go with a wedding or child's

Halloween Games for Elementary Schools

Halloween is often a treat for elementary school kids because of costumes and candy, but it can be even more amusing with a number of classroom games. All the games follow a Halloween theme and have the potential to be fun, but you can also sneak in a bit of learning. Games always enforce...

Moonlight Sonata Theme Home Gifts

Beethoven finished the Moonlight Sonata, also known as Piano Sonata No. 14, in 1801.moon image by vashistha pathak from Fotolia.comLudwig van Beethoven finished his famous "Moonlight" piano sonata, orginially known as Piano Sonata No. 14, in 1801. The piece is one of his most celebrated...

When Family And Holidays Don't Mix

In a perfect world, each of my holiday parties would be live replicas of Thomas Kincaid paintings. Unfortunately, there is one member of my family who takes pleasure in ruining every holiday festivity from New Year to Christmas.

How to Build a Pig Roaster From a 55-Gallon Drum

Roasting a whole pig is not something done on a weekly occasion; it's more of a special-event meal for a large gathering of family and friends. So why spend a whole lot of cash on a store-bought pit rotisserie when you can make a functional one by reusing a 55-gallon drum? When sourcing the drum, en

Seven Ways To Avoid Christmas Letdown

Statistics show that 20 million people suffer from depression. During the holidays even more people fall into that category. Here are some ways to cope.

Appreciation Award Ideas

Cut flowers make a beautiful appreciation award.Carin Krasner/Pixland/Getty ImagesChoosing a meaningful appreciation award for a teacher, volunteer, employee or supervisor can be tough. However, taking the extra time to give a thoughtful gift improves personal relationships, raises...

Creative Gift Ideas for Your First Boyfriend's Birthday

When you're in a relationship, you want to make sure the birthday gift you buy stands out. If the gift is for your first boyfriend, you want to make sure it not only stands out, but that it represents something special to the two of you. You don't have to spend lots of money to make a big impression

Ideas for DIY Easter Basket Gifts for Kids

Along with candy, toys and books also include homemade Easter basket gifts for kids for a sweet touch to springtime gifting. Make handmade accents to complement the gifts you have put in your boy East

Adult Harry Potter Costumes Will Make Your Halloween Magical

With the smashing success of the recently released Harry Potter movie, it's only natural that adult Harry Potter costumes have become all the rage this Halloween.This year, why not get in touch with your nice side by dressing up as everyone's favorite hero and wizard, Harry Potter?

Christmas Holiday Activities

With Christmas being such a festive time of year, there are plenty of activities to do and there's something for everyone. Among the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, some enjoyable Christmas activities should be worked into the schedule. Whether you are traveling for Christmas or staying i

How to Make Halloween Trophies With Recycled Items

Giving away trophies or prizes is a great way to add some zest to your Halloween games. Anything comically mutilated and monstrous will help your guests get into the ghoulish spirit of Halloween. You can have first, second and third place trophies, come up with different prizes for different contest

Gifts for Motivational Speakers

Make your motivational speaker feel like a winner with the right gift.steel trophy image by Paul Moore from Fotolia.comMotivational speaker Tony Robbins stated that life requires inspiration or desperation. Instead of desperately searching for the right gift for the motivational speaker...

Easter Bonnet Parade Ideas

Easter bonnet parades have become a popular tradition. New York City, New York, has been holding Easter bonnet parades since the early 1800s. After Easter church services, women of upper class families would ride up and down the main streets of the city to show off their new Easter dresses and hats.

New Orleans Mardi Gras

Everyone recognizes the bead throwing and gathering at Mardi Gras. Those set on balconies are equipped with the colorful beads and throw them down to the party goers.

How to Consecrate Communion

For many Christians, the consecration of communion is the most symbolic and important part of the service. The process of consecration involves Jesus giving his body and blood for you through communion. By him giving his body and blood to you, he is showing you the forgiveness of your sins. When the

What to Use Pumpkins for After Halloween

Assuming you haven't carved them into Jack-o-Lanterns, pumpkins can last weeks or even months, after Halloween. Particularly if they've been stored in a cool dry place and are still firm, most every part of the pumpkin can be put to some productive use as food, decoration or even an in-home spa trea