Easter Bonnet Parade Ideas
- Fresh flowers are stunning on an Easter bonnet.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
The tradition originally involved women parading down the street in new bonnets, but who says traditions can't be improved on? Why not have the man and boys of the house join in the fun? Most gentlemen would be glad to sport their favorite cap or fedora and escort their lady down the street. You can also add a category for the best Easter cap for different categories and age groups for the boys. Categories such as most extravagant cap, most colorful hat, or best homemade hat can be added to the contest. - Let your pets join in the parade.David De Lossy/Photodisc/Getty Images
Include your dog or cat in the fun. Specialty pet stores offer hats and bonnets for different occasions, or you can create your own masterpiece for Fluffy or Fido. Craft and hobby supply stores have a variety of small straw hats that are meant for a child's doll, but with a little ribbon, and a few beads, baubles, and flowers, your pet has a hat worthy to wear for such a festive occasion. If you are really inspired, make matching bonnets for yourself and your pet. Don't forget to have treats ready for the best-dressed pet. - Children can turn a party hat into an Easter bonnet.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
Try a different theme every year in keeping with the symbols of springtime and Easter. Bird- or flower-themed bonnets, symbols of Easter or baby animals are just a few examples of the many themes you can introduce to the parade. Ribbons or prizes for the best-themed bonnet or hat can be awarded at the end of the parade. - Easter Bonnets that are created by the people who wear them make memorable souvenirs. Children especially love making and decorating them. These precious works of art can be made with paper plates and scraps of ribbon and material. The Kids Turn Central website offers visitors simple directions for several different types of Easter bonnets and hats that kids can make with minimal adult supervision and assistance.
Not Just for Ladies Anymore
Let the Pets Join In
Themed Easter Bonnets
Made at Home Bonnets