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Personal Finance : Business & Finance
How to Discover Your Credit Score
Your credit score has a lot to do with your ability to get credit of any kind. It also affects your insurance premiums, and a low credit score may even prevent you from getting a job. Identity theft and unauthorized credit card use may also affect your credit score.
Poverty Grants
With unemployment approaching 10 percent in the United States as of 2010, the Center for American Progress estimated that up to 10 million more people may wind up in poverty. Economic crises highlight the need for supports for people who are unable to provide for their basic needs of food and shelte
Government Programs to Help Homeowners Refinance
In response to an ailing real estate market and the inability of many homeowners to keep current on their mortgage payments, the U.S. government started programs in 2009 to help borrowers refinance existing home loans for more affordable mortgages. Each program has specific guidelines governing home
How to Figure Out Tip Amounts
When it comes to tipping for services provided, many people turn a simple gesture into an overly complicated ordeal. First you have to decide if the service was satisfactory, then you have to actually do the math to calculate the perfect tip amount. While restaurants and hotels usually exp
Careers With Travel & Tourism
Working in the travel and tourism industry can mean travel to exotic places and cheap deals for personal travel in the future. It can also mean long, physically demanding work hours. While the industry gets a great amount of use during good economic times, recessions can mean little to no work. Ther
How Does Chapter 13 Affect Credit Score?
What is Chapter 13?Chapter 13 is a type of bankruptcy. With this method, your debts aren't erased but instead are reorganized in such a way that you can pay on them over the course of a set time period, usually three years. The trustee for the courts will examine your income and assets...
When Sharing a Credit Card With Your Spouse Counts on Both Credit Reports
When couples get married, they face a range of choices about their finances. Choosing to get a shared credit card is a common decision but couples have options when it comes to sharing credit. The choices they make will determine what kind of impact sharing a card has on each spouse's credit.
How to Prepare Your Grocery Shopping List to Save Money
Planning ahead can save you time and money when it comes to grocery shopping: You'll waste less of the food you buy and you won't be tempted to go out to eat when you don't have the ingredients for a meal at home. Preparing before you shop also lets you compare prices at different stores and gives y
Michigan Food Assistance Program Income Limits
The federal government requires every state to have a food assistance program. These programs help low-income families to obtain food by subsidizing purchases. In most states, recipients must actively pursue employment to continue to qualify for food stamps and may only receive them for a limited ti
How Does a Federal Thrift Savings Plan Work?
Not A 401(k)Government employees have a different retirement investment system than other civilians. They do not have a 401(k) program. Instead, they have the Thrift Savings Plan. Although there are limitations to what you can do with a Thrift Savings Plan, the similarities to a 401(k)...
What Is Electronic Check Conversion?
When writing a check, you may be asked at a store to sign an additional document acknowledging a process known as "Electronic Debit Transfer." This is a sign that your check has undergone a process called electronic check conversion.
What Is the Average Savings of a U.S. Household?
One of the clearest signs that you're managing your finances responsibly is if you save money regularly and have one or more savings accounts in place. Savings could include anything from a 401(k) retirement account to a basic account at your local bank. When you save money, it allows you to meet fu
What Is a Substitution of Trustee to a Deed of Trust in California?
California is one of several states that allows for mortgage foreclosure through a private transaction called a trustee's sale. A substitution of trustee under a trust deed is a legal document that allows the mortgage lender to change the person or business entity that will carry out the private tru
How to Fill Out a Comprehensive Financial Statement for Court
The legal process of divorce involves analyzing the marriage and the relationship between the couple and determining how to handle matters like dividing marital property and providing for spousal support or child support. One of the most important phases in divorce litigation occurs during the disco
What Are UNICAP Assets?
UNICAP is a shorted version of uniform capitalization. It is a concept set out by Section 236A of the United States tax code. This legislation governs which costs involved in property production must be capitalized rather than classed in full as an immediate expense.
How to Send Money to an Inmate in Wisconsin
People in prison or jail need money for the commissary, where they buy snacks, drinks, reading materials, shoes and clothing. Inmates also need money for medical expenses and the daily fee charged by some prison systems. It is a misconception that inmates live in jail for free or get perks at no cha
Information on Obtaining Credit
Most consumers will need to open a credit account at some point in their lives to cover the cost of a home, a new car, a college education or to provide a financial safety net. Banks and credit card companies offer a host of different loan and credit card products. Consumers can research and apply f
Can I Fund a 529 Plan and a Coverdell Education Savings Account?
A taxpayer can fund both a 529 plan and a Coverdell Education Savings Account. The two education savings instruments are designed to encourage education savings through tax-friendly treatment of gains and distributions. A Coverdell Education Savings Account is geared toward the cost of a primary edu
What Asset Classes Should I Place in My Roth IRA?
The Roth IRA represents an interestingly different approach to retirement. While most retirement plans, like the 401k and 403b plan, allow you to put aside pre-tax money and tax the funds on the back end, a Roth IRA is just the opposite. You invest in your Roth IRA with after-tax dollars, but when y