Debt Management - Time Tested Debt Relief Programs Can Save You Thousands in Interest Payments
Debt settlement has been popular since 1980's.
Surprised? Well, credit card issuers had nothing to gain by popularizing the concept.
The last thing they wanted was for a large number of persons who land at the doorstep and seek debt relief.
That is the reason why debt consolidation and interest deduction was the maximum that credit card issuers were prepared to do as far as the debt relief was concerned.
However, times have changed today.
You can actually qualify for a fantastic debt settlement if you owed more than seven thousand five hundred dollars to your creditors and if you have defaulted on repayment in the past.
Hence, before you start worrying about the authenticity of the solution, keep in mind that it is more than twenty five years old.
Further, there are many reputed settlement companies in the market.
Just make sure you deal with those that have been around for more than five years.
If you go in to deal with some other service provider, make sure you check the authenticity and verify the antecedents before proceeding any further.
There are many service providers that they started the business only after the stimulus package of introduced and debt settlement became very popular.
You should try to deal with service providers who have dealt with credit card issuers before the recession even began.
If you find the right debt settlement expert, you can be rest assured that you will save a lot of money.
So much so that you can bring down your interest payment by more than half.
This is because your principal amount will come down by a significant percentage and you will get an additional two to three years to repay the balance amount.
All this means that your overall control over the debt will become better.
You have two options.
You can either continue depositing the same amount to the credit card issuer or you can simply deposit the amount that is required and save the rest.
You can invest the money in different sources to earn as much interest as possible.
Would it not be wonderful if you use your credit card repayment to earn money that will be used to repay the credit card itself? That is just what credit card issuers have done even they sought the stimulus package from the government.
They have used your money to get out of that their debt problems and now are earning profit by recovering money from you.