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Other - Entertainment : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Mariah Carey 'Daydream

Review of Mariah Carey's 1995 album Daydream featuring the hits Fantasy, One Sweet Day and Always Be My Baby.

Patricia Arquette and Rosanna Arquette

Check out this gallery of photos highlighting the most famous celebrity sisters in Hollywood. Which famous celebrity sisters have made a name for themselves in Hollywood? Did your favorite celebrity sisters make the cut?

Kelly Osbourne - One Word

Review of Kelly Osbourne's single 'One Word' from her album 'Sleeping In the Nothing.'

Text of S.CON.RES 2, Joint Resolution on Iraq

Text of the Senate resolution introduced on January 17, 2007 by Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) and Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) that "it is not in the national interest of the United States to deepen its military involvement in Iraq, particularly by escalating the United States milita

Eve Torres

Photos from the press conference for the 25 Anniversary of WrestleMania


Photo of Charlie

Negative Media Coverage of Sarah Palin

Negative media coverage of Sarah Palin's campaign and significant gaffes made by the candidate in the first month have led to a disastrous slide in the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate's popularity.

The Quickest Way To Win At Chess

This article teaches you one of the quickest ways to be victorious in the game of chess, by using these few simple game moves you may ensure yourself a win at this game.

New Heavy Metal Album Reviews: February 25, 2014

New heavy metal album reviews, including the latest by Agael, Andi Deris and the Bad Bankers, Aypheros, Crematory, Dinner Music For The Gods, Doom's Day, Folge dem Wind, Hopeless Youth, Horizon Ablaze, Jagged Vision, Lenore S. Fingers, Lethal Dosage, Morfin, One Machine, Ribspreader, Seventrain

Benefit of game puzzles

The game puzzles are the best way to keep you activated with some work and it also sharpens the human mind. As the human body need some exercise to keep their body fit so the human mind need the help