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Men's Health : Health & Medical

Don't Become a Prisoner of Your Penis

In the days prior to the Internet (the Good-Old Days) for a man in his late teens to see any form of nudity was quite difficult. Occasionally the odd Playboy or other "girly" magazine would come your way, but there wasn't access to the pornography that is so readily available on-line.

Cosmetic Surgery For Men

In todays society you can scarcely turn on the television without witnessing another extreme makeover an ugly ducking whos been turned into a beauty queen via every conceivable cosmetic surgery. Our quest for the perfect nose, straightest teeth, and tightest abs has made surgery all the more accept

How to Cure Premature Ejaculation - Fast and Naturally

There are ways and how to cure premature ejaculation without having to take any medication whatsoever. In fact, they are completely natural methods and show a lot of promise with excellent results from different age groups.

Prosolution Gel Could Be the Panacea For Lovers the World Over

Life should be enjoyable. It is important that we savor every moment and make the best of what life has to offer. With the advances in technologies and modern science, there is no problem that has not been tackled so that the human race lives a longer, more fruitful and healthier life. There are a z

Is Penis Enlarging Easy or Hard?

Is there an easy way to get a bigger penis? Doesn't it take a lot of time and effort? It may actually be easier than you think.

How to Get Rock Solid Erections in Seconds

A vast majority of men suffer with erectile problems. However, it is possible to get harder erections with the help of certain foods that can increase blood flow in your body. Certain lifestyle changes can also help in getting a rock solid erection. Apart from this, natural erection gels can work in

The Most Affluent People Usually Have the Lowest Testosterone Levels

As much as life can be a confusing complexity of inter-connected processes, in many ways it is also and often quite simple to grasp. As an example of this, we use testosterone in our body to drive our sexuality, build our muscle mass, maintain a healthy and enthusiastic energy level to be active and

Penis Augmentation Surgery - The Real Truth Revealed

There seems to be no limit to the solution of growing the member in your pants. You can type the query in any search engine, and it will return to you countless results for it. It is very bombarding to any man who might see it. You may have noticed one topic that came up again and again.

Best Way to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction among men. It occurs when a man ejaculates before he wishes to or when semen is discharged accidentally during sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation can lead to emotional suffering, sexual dissatisfaction, fear and anxiousness.

Stop Premature Ejaculation - How to Last Longer in Bed

It can be a challenge finding permanent solutions which are convenient, natural and reasonably priced. We are going to talk about some of the effective treatments currently being used including a secret method which I've personally used to cure my own problem.

You Can Really Fatten Up Your Penis!

Hey guys! Do you want to know how you can really fatten up your penis? What would you give to be endowed with a longer and thicker manhood? Well, relax, because there is a way to have a thicker penis, and it may be easier than you think!

Premature Ejaculation Issues - Ways of Solving Premature Ejaculation Issues

Premature ejaculation issues can be detrimental to any couples love life. obviously if the man is not lasting long enough to ensure that his lover has an orgasm, then there will be a strong chance that he will not have sex as often as he would like to. Solving premature ejaculation issues is not as