2 Great Methods of Achieving a Bigger Penis
It all depends on what you want, determination and your ability to perform enlargement task.
Many companies promoting penis enlargement products are all over the internet.
But how credible are the products they are offering? 2 great methods of achieving a bigger penis will be explained in this article.
Let's explain these 2 methods below: 1.
Traction Device: A traction device is also called penis extender.
It is a small weightless device that has the ability of enlarging your penis.
This device work by exerting a little traction on your penis when strap on it.
This little force exerted on your penis increases the production of multiple tissues in your penis.
The more tissues produced in your penis, the bigger your penis will be.
Before purchasing this little device, care must be taken because there are lot of fake devices claiming to enlarge your penis but at the end fails.
To get a good traction device, visit online discussion boards and forums to see what other men are talking about the device you are planning to purchase.
Post questions on forums, take note of the responses you get and from there you will be able to know the right one to purchase.
You can also visit the product website, check the product guarantee, medical backings, testimonials and before and after pictures of satisfied men who have use the device.
A good recommendation here is the SizeGenetice traction device.
It is safe and has a 100% guarantee.
As with every other genuine penis enlargement product, result cannot be achieved overnight.
It takes time for penis tissues to grow.
A traction device can give you a bigger penis when worn for about 2-3 hours a day for a period of 4-6 months.
Jelqing: This is also known as natural penis exercise.
It is a technique that has been practiced for a long time now and it is still very effective today.
This technique requires you to perform some routine exercises on the penis for the purpose of enlarging it.
As with a traction device it takes some time for you to start seeing result.
Jelqing is a very effective method of enlarging the penis.
You can get training videos that shows you how to perform this exercise so that you will not hurt yourself while performing the routine.
Enlargement gained using either traction device or jelqing is permanent and has no negative effect on your penis.
These 2 great methods of achieving a bigger penis are proven, safe and guarantee good result.