How to Distress Sheetrock Walls

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Architecture : Home & Garden

How to Glue Cracked Glass to Glass Panes Using Silicone Glue

Glass is a versatile material that can be used in aquariums, windows, mirrors and more. Glass is extremely fragile and can be broken easily. When a piece of glass, also called a glass pane, is cracked, it's important to glue the cracked piece back together with the original pane. Glass is best mende

How to Make a Mobile Home into a Cabin

It's time to turn your mobile home into a cabin. Converting a mobile home into a cabin does not require you remodel the entire home and prevents you from having to spend a large amount of money building a cabin. When turning your mobile home into your cabin, use decorative items you currently own --

How Long Does it Take to Install Prefinished Wood Floors?

The beauty and quality of hardwood flooring can add style and value to a home. The time and cost of refinishing existing floors, or installing brand new used to be prohibitive, when done in the traditional manner that included sanding, installation and finishing. Today, however, adding hardwood floo

Recycling in Effingham, Georgia

The Effingham County Sanitation Department works with residents of Effingham County to encourage recycling as a simple way to protect the environment. Recycling keeps materials that do not disintegrate easily, such as plastic, or at all, such as metal, out of landfills. There is no curbside recyclin

How to Solder Copper to Mild Steel

The most common situation where you would need to solder copper to mild steel is in the home. Copper and steel are used to make pipes for plumbing systems, and the two types of pipes are connected by a dielectric union. This is a joint union that is threaded in the middle, with one side copper and t

How Long Should Concrete Dry Before Drilling?

One of the most common building materials today is concrete. It is used for driveways, basements, foundation walls, retention walls and an entire building's structure. The hardening of concrete from its mixture of Portland cement, sand, gravel and water is a chemical process called curing that con

Stair Baluster Safety

A stair baluster is a shaft usually made of stone or wood that rusn between the stairs and parapet or handrail of a staircase. Balusters provide some safety concerns, particularly for small children.

How to Install Wall Trim & Crown Molding

Wall trim is molding, usually wood, that decorates walls and ceilings, while crown molding is installed specifically where the walls meet the ceiling and is also called cornice. Wall trim and crown molding add to the architectural beauty of your home. Installing molding is a fairly inexpensive way t

How to Cut a Solid Surface Countertop

Solid-surface countertops are a good alternative to standard laminate versions and offer much the same workability as wood. They can be cut and formed using the same tools as wood, making them a potential do-it-yourself or on-site project.

Window Casing Installation

Window casing is found around almost all types of windows. The casing runs around the perimeter of the window along the inside of the house and is available many different sizes and styles. It goes across the top and sides of the window and can be plain or have designs on it. It is generally 2 1/2 t

How to Put Sheetrock on Curved Walls

Covering a curved wall with Sheetrock requires more thought and a different technique than installing Sheetrock on a flat wall. Incorrectly installing the Sheetrock on a curved wall will place a lot of stress on the core of the drywall board. This will cause it to break and become unusable as a wall

How to Build a Small-Room Humidor

A truly luxurious homeoften includes a sealed, humidity-controlled room for the storage of items that are sensitive to fluctuations in humidity levels. While you may think that this is only something that would appeal to people who enjoy cigars, humidor rooms can also be used to properly maintain a

How to Plant a Straw Bale Garden

Ideal for urban gardeners with limited space, infertile soil or poor drainage, straw bale gardens are easy to set up. You can arrange bales of straw in virtually any configuration. Add compost or commercial potting soil and seeds or transplants to complete your garden. Straw bale gardens are excelle

How to Install a Sub Floor for a Tile Install

Before you can begin laying the tiles in your bathroom, kitchen or entryway, you have to have the proper surface prepared. Ceramic tile is usually laid over cement backer board, if you are not laying the tile directly onto cement. Cement backer board is a heavy, stiff sheet that thinset mortar adher

Alternatives to Pressure-Treated Wood

For more than 40 years, chromated copper arsenic (CCA) pressure-treated wood has provided the bulk of outdoor wood construction material for playgrounds, decks, gazebos and outbuildings. CCA pressure-treated wood resists insects, fungus, mold and microbes that rot and weaken lumber exposed to the el

How to Build an Octagon Plant Stand

Octagon-shaped stands and small tables are commonly found in Asian and Middle Eastern decor, with finishes from plain polish to heavily inlaid or painted. Including an octagon plant stand in your home adds a touch of the Orient to any room, and is an interesting addition over a round or square-toppe

Fire Proofing Method

Fires for most people are one of the most serious threats to themselves and the structures they live and work in. They can use many products and methods to ensure better fire safety and, hopefully, to prevent fire's occurrence altogether.

How Do I Install Hurricace Shutters?

Hurricane shutters protect a home's exterior openings from damage during an extreme, high-wind weather event, such as a hurricane. Hurricane shutters are a critical component of a home's disaster preparation plan.

How to Fit Parquet Flooring

If you want to have a mosaiclike pattern on your floor, ceramic tiles are not your only option. Parquet flooring is flooring which utilizes small tiles composed of different woods which, when fitted together, give your floor a decorative pattern. Installing these tiles is something you can do yourse

Asphalt Shingle Roof Cleaning

Asphalt shingle roofs, even newly installed ones, attract various elements that can disturb the color and pattern of the asphalt, including moss and algae. This can leave your asphalt shingle roof looking green and quite dirty from below. The solution lies in cleaning your asphalt shingle roof .Whi