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Fitness & bodybuilding : Health & Medical

Building Muscle Tone

All of us want to look healthy and a very important element of this appearance is a muscular and well defined body. Some of us fail to realize that building muscle definition is not really difficult,

Brain Neuron Degeneration and Mercury - How Mercury Damages Your Brain Cells

Mercury has long been known to be a potent neurotoxic substance, whether it is inhaled or concealed in food as a dietary toxin. Over the past fifteen years, medical research laboratories have established that dental amalgam tooth fillings are a major contributor to mercury body burden. Understanding

Never Take Short Steps

Exercise--especially strength exercise--can help slow down the aging process. This article encourages older adults to remain active in order to remain independent.

Whiplash - Blame and Claim

The UK government are planning on cracking down on those who claim for whiplash as they suggest it is increasing insurance premiums. Although there are a minority that try to swindle the system, many actually ...

Natural Healing For Fibromyalgia Sufferers

An estimated 5 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia. The chronic, deep aches can have an enormous impact on physical and emotional health. Unfortunately, treatments are few and far between, and those that exist often come with the potential...

Finding a Nutritionist

Consuming a diet that is balanced and nutritious is a very important step in maintaining your overall health and feeling the best you can. However, some individuals find that they are confused about what exactly ...

Reducing Rates of Injuries in Military and Law Enforcement

A fairly recent article in the Journal of Special Operations Medicine (JSOM)* examined the Musculoskeletal injuries from 5th group. The military is starting to catch onto the fact that their troops, in particular their special operations troops, would improve their operational effectiveness while re

Pre - In Vitro Fertilization Diet Plan

Wondering for special diet plan when you are pregnant is normal. Before or during pregnancy, your diet plan matters a lot and so as in IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). About to undergo through IVF makes ...

Electric Treadmills, Crucial Buying Tips

Electric treadmills are available for sale through a number of possible options. This fitness equipment can be advertised for sale through the newspaper, the internet and what have you. However, when one is buying this item the major consideration in your mind will most likely be whether this produc

Chiropractors and Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression sounds very intimidating to most of us at first blush. It deals with your lower back mainly. Back pains cause a number of other health related issues, maintaining a strong and limber back is key to a long healthy life. This is can be successful through the use of a chiropractor.

About the International Fight League

This article is about the IFL (International Fight League). It explains the history of the league and the difference between their business model and the UFC.

Winning Strategies Anyone Can Use To Lose Weight

Successfully losing weight is not as complicated and difficult for everyone as it seems. If you are prepared for your weight-loss challenge, you are going to be able to reach your goals more quickly and ...

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Article offers crystal clear information on full mouth reconstruction, process involved and the treatment procedures, and the cost and symptoms and also offers some tips to the readers.

Joint Pains No More

Joint pains can be really disturbing. Approximately 1 out of 70 UK adults suffer from gout. In the United State, it is estimated to be 840 out of every 100,000 people.

2011 NBA First-Round Pick Not Good As Kobe Bryant Time

The year of 2011 NBA First-Round Pick was hold in New Jerseys, Irving from the Durk University was the NO. 1 pick by the Cleveland Cavaliers. However, most of the people admired that the quality of th

Turbo Jam Weighted Gloves

One of the main body parts that can be toned and conditioned by cardio vascular exercises would be the arms. Popular exercises that focus on the arms would include push ups, boxing, aerobics, weight l

Deer Antler Spray - How Can It Enhance Your Well Being As An Athlete

In case you are curious about using the deer antler spray then this article could be of great help to you. This is one of the most amazing natural supplements that enhance total athletic performance. This extract spray is made up of elk antlers, which have the highest amount of velvet. This velvet i