12 Constipation Causes You Need to Know
Constipation causes are many and the first thing you need to do is to know your own body.
What is wrong and right in it? It can be as simple as a poor diet or poor bowel habits.
It can be physical, functional or voluntary.
These are the most common causes of constipation: Poor diet: We are a society that tends to eat out a lot and to eat a lot of processed food.
Eating foods rich in animal fats (dairy products, meats, and eggs) or refined sugar but low in fiber (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) may cause constipation.
Poor bowel habits: Ignoring the desire to have bowel movements may initiate a cycle of constipation.
After a period of time, you may stop feeling the desire for opening your bowel.
You may avoid using public bathrooms or going in other peoples homes.
You may simply want to put it off as you are too busy.
Your bowel habits may be compromised due to stress or new foods.
Changes in lifestyle We all know how much stress and even the smallest changes in our schedule can throw off our routine.
Low fluid intake Out of all the constipation causes you can come up with, the one that is the easiest to fix and the one that is the biggest cause is lack of a good fluid intake.
Eating fast food Fast foods, processed foods, unnatural foods are a source of trouble for any good digestive system.
Irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon): Another one of the common constipation causes is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) This is because it causes changes in your bowel function and when you try and fix it, that is when you yoyo between loose and frequent and dry, hard and never.
This disorder causes bloating, crampy tummy, gas and constipation.
Laxative abuse: If you use laxatives daily it will become a habit, one that your body will need to have normal bodily function of defecation (bowel movement).
This is known as being habitually dependent on laxatives and is a very bad thing.
You most likely will need increasing amounts of laxatives to move your bowels.
In some cases, the bowels can become insensitive to laxatives and fail to open at all.
Pregnancy: Constipation during pregnancy may be due to several factors.
How and why the problem occurs.
Now you can identify your own problem and reason for it and take the right measures to help fix it.
It is your body and it is time you took control even of this most basic function.
What is wrong and right in it? It can be as simple as a poor diet or poor bowel habits.
It can be physical, functional or voluntary.
These are the most common causes of constipation: Poor diet: We are a society that tends to eat out a lot and to eat a lot of processed food.
Eating foods rich in animal fats (dairy products, meats, and eggs) or refined sugar but low in fiber (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) may cause constipation.
Poor bowel habits: Ignoring the desire to have bowel movements may initiate a cycle of constipation.
After a period of time, you may stop feeling the desire for opening your bowel.
You may avoid using public bathrooms or going in other peoples homes.
You may simply want to put it off as you are too busy.
- Antacids
- Antispasmodic
- Antidepressants
- Iron tablets
- Anticonvulsant drugs
- Painkillers
Your bowel habits may be compromised due to stress or new foods.
Changes in lifestyle We all know how much stress and even the smallest changes in our schedule can throw off our routine.
Low fluid intake Out of all the constipation causes you can come up with, the one that is the easiest to fix and the one that is the biggest cause is lack of a good fluid intake.
Eating fast food Fast foods, processed foods, unnatural foods are a source of trouble for any good digestive system.
Irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon): Another one of the common constipation causes is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) This is because it causes changes in your bowel function and when you try and fix it, that is when you yoyo between loose and frequent and dry, hard and never.
This disorder causes bloating, crampy tummy, gas and constipation.
Laxative abuse: If you use laxatives daily it will become a habit, one that your body will need to have normal bodily function of defecation (bowel movement).
This is known as being habitually dependent on laxatives and is a very bad thing.
You most likely will need increasing amounts of laxatives to move your bowels.
In some cases, the bowels can become insensitive to laxatives and fail to open at all.
Pregnancy: Constipation during pregnancy may be due to several factors.
- Mechanical pressure on your bowel by the heavy womb
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy
- Changes in food and fluid intake
- Hemorrhoids
- Inflammatory adhesions
- Intestinal tumors or foreign bodies
- Twisting of the intestine upon itself
- Spinal cord tumors, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injuries
- Connective tissue diseases - Conditions such as scleroderma and lupus
- Poor-functioning thyroid gland
- Lead poisoning
- Poor diet and insufficient intake of fluids
- Lack of exercise
- Side effects of prescription drugs used to treat other conditions
- Poor bowel habits
- Prolonged bed rest, for example after an accident or during an illness
- Habitual use of enemas and laxatives
How and why the problem occurs.
Now you can identify your own problem and reason for it and take the right measures to help fix it.
It is your body and it is time you took control even of this most basic function.