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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

The Symptoms of Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa more commonly known as RP is an inherited, degenerative eye disease causing vision impairment and often blindness. There are many symptoms that lead to retinitis pigmentosa. They aren't always consistent though. In some people they can start showing as early as infancy and

Stroke - Result of Cerebral Blood Circulation Impairment

Stroke is nothing but a brain attack or cerebrovascular accident, which is caused due to a sudden impairment of cerebral circulation in the blood vessels supplying the brain. Due to strokes the oxygen supply gets ...

Meniere's Disease

A typical attack of Meniere's Disease may be preceded by ear pressure, (a feeling of fullness in the ears) or aching in one or both ears. Hearing fluctuation and loud tinnitus noises are also

Master Cleanse Secrets: Do You Need To Use It?

Reading the Master Cleanse Secrets can assist you lose substantial amount of weight as has already been seen in the case of singer Beyonce Knowles who was able to lose twenty two pounds within 10 days

How to Kill Bacteria in Your Home

Fighting off germs and bacteria in the home is important to your family's health and well-being. Bacteria is fast-spreading and can be found almost anywhere, causing disease and sickness. Killing bacteria can be inexpensive, done with items found in your kitchen. Making your own solution for killing

How to Soothe Bloating

Bloating is a feeling of fullness and tightness in the abdomen. Constipation, food intolerance and overeating are the most common culprits of bloating, but bowel obstruction, acites and cancer can also cause it. Bloating can cause discomfort and pain, abdominal distention and frequent burping and th

6 Detrimental Health Impacts of Inactivity for Seniors

The impact of inactivity and lack of exercise for everyone is detrimental to our health and well-being - but for seniors it could have an impact that they may never recover from. Most health conditions may suffer from a sedentary from a lifestyle, such as diabetes and obesity. In this article I list

Natural Treatment For Fluctuating High Blood Pressure

It is important that you control your high blood pressure and maintain a healthy blood pressure level. It is often wise to find a natural treatment for fluctuating high blood pressure instead of takin

The Numerous Dangerous Health Results Of Obesity

It is rather common knowledge that obesity is a dangerous state for your overall health. The expenses to society in the US is incredible and draws near several hundred billion dollars every year. You can ...

Stop Herpes

If we want to be safe and maintain a healthier life it is best to consult a professional health provider to assist us and help us with our health issues.

Difficulty Swallowing: Symptoms and Causes

Difficulty swallowing can have a major affect on an individual's quality of life. This article discusses some of the symptoms of dysphasia and various causes.

Types and Symptoms of Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is a term used to describe different types of heart rhythm problems. This is caused by irregularities in the electrical impulses that regulate your heart rate. The electrical impulses in your heart cause the ...

Understanding of Heartburn Remedies

The majority of women and men have no idea of a common condition known as heartburn and acid reflux and therefore the moment they listen to these terms, they often times confuse them with heart attack